2021 Josiah Project Beckons
Launched in 1990, Rock the World’s Josiah Project has inspired more than 80% of its graduates to continue in Christian leadership — for decades.
Joyful Noise Club
The Joyful Noise Club at Messiah Anglican is an awesome place where young people with and without disabilities come to have fun and learn about Jesus!
Seeing and Being Seen: The Necessity of Relational Discipleship
[Scripture] teaches us the truth: we want those we disciple to know: God sees. His seeing is essential to his relationship with his creation. In the first few pages of Genesis, God sees the work of his hands—the heavens, the creeping things, the birds of the air, man and woman—and glories in it; he sees Adam and Eve in the shame of their sin and is moved to clothe them; he sees the blood of Abel which cries out to him from the ground and he confronts Cain; he sees the wickedness of Noah’s day and is grieved to destruction. And this is just the very beginning.
YSummit 2021
“We want the youth in Anglican churches to fully understand the worth of all human life, including their own. We believe that lives are transformed when students understand what their own worth and purpose is...our goal is to equip them to not only believe that, but to live it out.”
Upcoming Workshops for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention & Train the Trainers
The half-day “Protection of Children” workshop satisfies the diocesan training requirements for clergy, vestry members, staff and volunteers who work with youth or children. To become a diocesan-approved Child Protection Trainer, the person must be endorsed by his/her rector and register to attend the upcoming Train the Trainer Workshop.
Abundant Life: You Were Made for More, A Curriculum for Youth
Abundant Life uses biblically-based teaching to engage teenagers, partner with parents, and equip youth leaders to navigate relational and culturally-relevant topics. I believe that educating teenagers about who they are in Christ, the purpose of relationships, the value of life—their own and others–and how the Gospel interacts with all of this is essential in the Kingdom of God. Why? If we don’t give them something to live for, someone else will.
Back to School Joy
Church of the Epiphany made sure to bring extra joy with their “Back to School” night in the church parking lot. Enjoy photos of socially-distanced games and fun!
Wild Wonder Sundays in the Park
Each week participants will have a scripture prompt that points to something wonder-worthy in creation—like the wind, or Zacchaeus' sycamore tree.
Wilderness Escape - VBS
From July 6-10, we engaged 50-60 children on line each day for about an hour of Bible teaching, worship, skits, Bible memory and sharing.
Ministry During Summer 2020
The Diocese would like to share what you are doing this summer in terms of outreach, evangelism, community service, and fellowship. In addition to continuing to share with the Diocese invitations to events open to other churches and the community, please send us your stories and photos throughout summer 2020.
Raising up the Next Generation
Ask any clergy person and they will tell you about the people in their lives who believed in them, opened doors for them, and walked alongside of them as they mastered the difficult skills of leadership. Experience really is the best teacher.
Survey from the DOMA Child Protection Committee
Your honest input on the following brief survey will provide helpful information which will direct the DOMA Child Protection Committee in its future work. Be safe and thank you for giving this your attention in these challenging days.
Quarantined Puppet Friends
This precious video from the Children’s Ministry at All Saints’ in Woodbridge, VA helps normalize the wearing of masks while providing a solid teaching about creation and helpful explanation to children about “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.” Enjoy!
Multilingual Nicene Creed
"We hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God!" Acts 2:11
Unique challenges children and foster care agencies are facing during COVID-19
“When schools are shut down, many children, who experience abuse and neglect at home, lose their only safe place, a place where caring adults can see, hear about, and report signs of maltreatment to authorities who can help these children achieve the safety, permanency, and well-being they need and deserve.”
Camp at Home - Free E-Book by Susan Yates
It can be hard just to get up in the morning, to face another day of feeling overwhelmed, unproductive and out of sorts. How will I get through unplanned homeschool lessons I don’t understand, keep toddlers entertained inside, handle the emotional swings of a teenager, and be nice to my husband? When will I get some alone time? Ever?
Backpacks for Kids!
Through generous donations, Immanuel is able to continue to feed families in need weekend meals.
Camp Booyah Breaks the Internet!
Due to the continued presence of COVID-19 and the uncertainty of the next few months, our Board of Directors has decided that we will not be able to go to Watermarks Camp for Camp Booyah 2020. We are so sad that we will not be together in one location this summer for Camp Booyah, but we are excited that we will be together virtually!!! That’s right!!! We will all be able to gather together for….
Youth Game Night
Some suggestions for the hunt: spoon, Bible, toilet paper, pillow, grass, remote control, family photo, deodorant, ketchup, socks, etc. The idea is to get them moving and in different parts of their house.