Bishop's Letter, Discipleship Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Discipleship Anglican Doma

diocesan staff changes

Frankly, I think this is actually great discipleship strategy. As Christians we trust Jesus, the author, pioneer and finisher of our faith, who goes ahead of us and calls us to follow him into a future that is totally secure and yet which can sometimes (often?) feel disorienting. With joy and a twinkle in his eyes, I can envision our Lord saying, “Come follow me - turn and face the strange…"

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Bishop's Letter, Discipleship Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Discipleship Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (January 2025B)

As part of my daily spiritual practices for 2025 I’m using both a bible reading plan (sequentially through the Bible) and the Daily Office (and particularly the Psalms). In my Scripture engagement, I just finished reading about Joseph (Genesis) and I’m now in the life of Moses (Exodus). Reflecting on their stories has caused me to realize the importance of the choices we make.

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Discipleship, event Anglican Doma Discipleship, event Anglican Doma

Coracle Fellowship Program

Are you…

  • Longing for More and wanting to move deeper in your relationship with God?

  • At a crossroads in your life and wanting to process where you’ve been and where you’re going, discerning God’s next step?

  • Ready to step further into the beauty and brokenness of the world and bring some healing?

  • Feeling stuck in your spiritual life?

  • Aching to give yourself more fully to God?

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Bishop's Letter, Outreach, Discipleship Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Outreach, Discipleship Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (September 2024B)

As he was ascending to Heaven, Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20).

Notice that Jesus told his followers to “go and make” disciples. He didn’t say: Stay and be disciples, but go and make them. It’s vital that we recognize there’s an outward movement to Christ’s Great Commission; there’s an outward movement to discipleship.

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Bishop's Letter, Outreach, Discipleship Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Outreach, Discipleship Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (August 2024B)

As he was ascending to Heaven, Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20).

Notice that Jesus told his followers to “go and make” disciples. He didn’t say: Stay and be disciples, but go and make them. It’s vital that we recognize there’s an outward movement to Christ’s Great Commission; there’s an outward movement to discipleship.

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Discipleship, Technology, ACNA, Anglicanism Anglican Doma Discipleship, Technology, ACNA, Anglicanism Anglican Doma

Proclaiming Christ Clearly into the Deaf World

The Deaf Community is one of the least reached people groups in the world. In the USA, a recognized estimate is only 2-5% of deaf claim any religious faith at all. There are many factors giving rise to this alarming statistic but one of them is not being able to envision the concept of God, or the incarnate Jesus, as relatable or accessible to deaf people.

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Imago Dei in the Church: Autism and Communities of Belonging

Dimensions of Belonging
October 26 @ 8:30 p.m.
Via Zoom

Those who live with autism experience the world in unique ways. Their voices and gifts are needed in the church to help us experience the full beauty and scope of the Imago Dei – the Image of God.

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Discipleship Anglican Doma Discipleship Anglican Doma

Gospel Formation

A better, fuller understanding of the Christian life would mean recognizing that every man, woman, and child in the Church has a missionary calling and is to live with a missional “lens” through which they see every aspect of their lives. 

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Community, Discipleship, International, Outreach, Youth Anglican Doma Community, Discipleship, International, Outreach, Youth Anglican Doma

Building Bridges Toward Extended Family

This has been the heart and vision of our church, Christ Church Vienna, as we have taken prayerful, consistent and intentional steps toward knowing and inviting our Spanish-speaking neighbors here in Vienna into our lives and into the life of our church.  Ultimately our prayer is that Jesus would take the different groups that exist in our community that are all too easily divided, isolated and unknown one to another, and reconcile us to himself to create something new as we are all welcomed into one extended family, with Christ as our head.

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