To Be a Christian App
The College of Bishops convened in Melbourne, Florida, from January 13 to 17, 2025, for their annual January meeting. This gathering provided a valuable opportunity for fellowship, worship, and strategic planning for the Anglican Church in North America.
Our Church Speaks: A New Podcast
Our Church Speaks: A podcast of saints from every era and place.
Proclaiming Christ Clearly into the Deaf World
The Deaf Community is one of the least reached people groups in the world. In the USA, a recognized estimate is only 2-5% of deaf claim any religious faith at all. There are many factors giving rise to this alarming statistic but one of them is not being able to envision the concept of God, or the incarnate Jesus, as relatable or accessible to deaf people.
View and Share Important Life Topics Presented at Life SUMMIT 2023!
I'm pleased to announce you can now view Life SUMMIT and ySUMMIT 2023 presentations on Anglicans For Life's YouTube channel.
Bishop Chris Visit: Truro Anglican Church
Truro was overjoyed to welcome the Rt. Rev. Chris Warner to Truro on Sunday, March 12. In addition to enjoying worship together, Bp. Chris conducted the sacrament of confirmation.
New Wineskins Conference and Recordings
People from all over the Diocese attended New Wineskins 2022 Conference. If you were unable to attend, a variety of plenary sessions were recorded and are available on their Faceobok page.
Online Church of Uganda
One of the things I especially appreciated is that online church was never designed to replace the local church; it is a supplemental ministry.
An Evening of Prayer and Praise with Five Talents
This virtual Prayer and Praise night is an opportunity to hear ministry updates as well as prayer requests from their programs around the world. It’s sure to be an evening of inspiration and encouragement.
The Other Everything
In this world we live in, it really feels like a "shadow valley" sometimes. And for some of us, it feels that way every day. So that's why I'm writing to you.
View Synod 2021 Online
In-person attendance at the Saturday business session is for delegates and clergy only. You are invited to watch virtually the annual Synod, both the Eucharist at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 19 and the business meeting on Sat., Nov. 20 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Rev. Jessica Hughes holds torch for Uganda Christian University online learning
On Sept. 10, Jessica Hughes, priest in the Diocese, was featured in an article on the Uganda Partners website. The article discusses Jessica’s recent appointment as the head of the university’s Online Distance Learning (ODL) department.
Pray & Ponder
Pray & Ponder, a podcast by Restoration Anglican in Arlington, VA is wrapping up season 3 -- TEND+grow -- as the school year ends and is already preparing season 4 -- Wild Wondering with God -- which will be available over the summer -- just in time for road trips!
Appalachian Anglican
When we started planning our topics for the Appalachian Anglican podcast, we tried to come at it with the mindset that our listeners could potentially be new to a historic and traditional church environment. We try to discuss each topic as a conversation while interjecting thoughts of how we perceive the church exists today similarly as she did in her early history.
Anglican FAQ Video Series
What are the 39 Articles? What’s up with the wine? Why do Anglicans pray the Lord’s Prayer?
These are just a sampling of the questions answered in the Anglican FAQ Video Series by the Rev. Justin Clemente of New Creation Church in Hagerstown, MD.
Podcasts in the Diocese
If you need an update to your podcast listening cue, a variety of churches in the Diocese offer teachings and sermons via podcast. Most podcasts are available via each church website or most podcast apps.
Things Anglican Podcast
Podcast by the Anglican Church in North America featuring sermons and lectures from conferences, as well as interviews for listeners hungry for teaching and conversation that might renew the mind and heart, that we might become more obedient and effective servants of the God we love.
Celebrating Easter around the Diocese
Imagine laughter and songs of praise as you take a three-minute stroll around the Diocese on Easter Sunday!
Holy Week Services Online
During Holy Week 2021, multiple churches around the Diocese invite you to participate via livestream services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil.