Meet and Eat at Epiphany this Summer
How do we rebuild our relationships with each other after two years of pandemic separations?
Online Church of Uganda
One of the things I especially appreciated is that online church was never designed to replace the local church; it is a supplemental ministry.
Bishop John offers Encouragement to Pastors
While travel has been restricted over the past two years, Pastor to Pastor calls provided a means for SOMA to continue its ministry during the pandemic. This February, Bishop Guernsey participated in a Pastor to Paster call and shared valuable wisdom gained from his years in global ministry and mission.
Local Clergy Wins Archbishop's Essay Contest
Bishop John and the staff of the Diocese give a hearty “congratulations” to the Rev. Toby Larson of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic. His essay titled Has God Changed? Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Pandemics won first place in the 2021 Archbishop’s annual summer essay contest.
Go to Church – for your Health?
If church attendance is so good for us physically and spiritually, why is it so hard for us sometimes (even without a pandemic)? Well, both Christian and secular culture have been on a decades long quest for the benefits of church without the commitments that go with it.
$340k to 9 countries = a busy six months!
In the past 6 months (since the last project update on May 1, 2021), ARDF has sent nearly $340,000 to projects in: Egypt, Ghana, India, Kenya, Myanmar, Nigeria, South Sudan, and Tanzania. We also funded a project in an undisclosed country (due to security reasons).
A Church Planting Story
In the latest episode of Appalachian Anglican, a podcast presented by Church of the Ascension in Kearneysville, WV, listeners get to hear the story of a church planter in this Diocese. No two church planting stories are alike, and this one is an amazing tribute to God’s faithful provision.
Synod 2021: Friday Night Eucharist
The Saturday business session of the 2021 DOMA Synod will be in-person attendance for clergy and lay delegates only, with others viewing the Synod livestream online. Non-delegates are welcome to attend in person the Pre-Synod Workshop on Friday afternoon and the Eucharist service that evening. Registration is required for the Pre-Synod Workshop, but not for the Eucharist service.
Rev. Jessica Hughes holds torch for Uganda Christian University online learning
On Sept. 10, Jessica Hughes, priest in the Diocese, was featured in an article on the Uganda Partners website. The article discusses Jessica’s recent appointment as the head of the university’s Online Distance Learning (ODL) department.
A Call to Prayer from Archbishop Foley Beach Regarding the Situation in Afghanistan, Haiti, and the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
As the world seemingly darkens, remember that the Church is to be a light to the world, pointing to the One who is the Light of life. Let us remain united together in Christ, as citizens of heaven, opposing the powers of darkness,
Wholeness in Christ Healing Prayer Class
This is a unique opportunity to learn about praying for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing with hands on training in small groups. The classes will feature live teaching and videos, opportunity for discussion and sharing, and corporate prayer time. The class is open to all who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Better Not Bitter
The Rev. Robbie Pruitt’s (Holy Spirit Church in Leesburg, VA) mountain bike was stolen last fall during quarantine (when bikes were especially hard to purchase). Robbie’s response was to forgive and show empathy.
A Message from the Bishop - "Thanking God for These Strong Partnerships"
I’ve returned home with renewed gratitude for all that we receive from one another in our Church. Would you join me in thanking God for these strong partnerships in the Gospel which he so graciously gives us?
Lockdown 2.0 in Uganda
On Friday morning, the president of Uganda announced that he would address the nation that evening. Announcing a speech with no notice is never good news.
Archbishop Beach's Address to Provincial Council
What a year this has been! The Lord has been ever-present. It has been challenging, but Jesus is still Lord, and He is still on the Throne.
A Message from the Bishop - A Godly Vision
In our contentious and polarized culture, may the Lord give us much grace, that each of our churches will witness to the peace and love we know in Jesus Christ.
Red-Eyed Time Travelers
I understand your mileage may vary significantly when it comes to your appreciation of the hordes of loud, red-eyed, bugs that are frantically living their last few weeks of their long lifespan in our neighborhoods. That said, there is so much about these insects that is miraculous.
A Message from the Bishop - "A witness to the peace and love we know in Jesus Christ..."
In our contentious and polarized culture, may the Lord give us much grace, that each of our churches will witness to the peace and love we know in Jesus Christ.
Discipleship: The Future of the Church
In this article from the Trinity School of Ministry’s publication “Seed and Harvest” (Spring/Summer 2021), the Church of the Resurrection in Baltimore, MD is featured as a leader in the Anglican Church for their discipleship. By understanding that spiritual growth with numerical growth happen together, prioritizing the integration of new families, and focusing on community group ministry, Resurrection has witnessed God’s blessing through COVID-19.