New Wineskins Early Bird Registration Rate
Through worship, prayer, teaching, and partnership, the New Wineskins Conference gathers cross-cultural workers, global partners, mission agencies, resource ministries, and the global church to discover effective ways to collaborate with God and one another to fulfill the Great Commission!
Support for Anglican Church of Kenya Orphanage
Church of the Apostles (COA) in Fairfax, VA, continues a 20-year tradition of supporting the St. Nicholas orphanage in Karen, Kenya, in the completion of a recent visit from November 6 – 18, 2023.
"Called to Go" in Tangible Ways
Does God answer prayer? Yes!! Yes!! We have seen God answer the prayers of the DOMA family at Christ the Redeemer in Dillsburg, PA.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (October 2023B)
'The New Testament assumes that people outside of Christ and apart from God are lost and need a Savior. Jesus told vivid stories in Luke 15 about a coin, a sheep, and two sons. All were lost and all were sought. In those stories, to be lost is more about “awayness” than “badness.” The coin was away from the purse, the sheep from the sheepfold, and the sons from the father’s house.
Fulfilling the Great Commission Anglicanly
Produced by Anglican Frontier Missions (AFM), Fulfilling the Great Commission Anglicanly is a free, four-week video-driven curriculum that contains short readings, ample time for large and/or small group discussions, and even some (modest) homework!
A Letter from Canon Tuck (October 2023A)
You are likely familiar with Archbishop William Temple’s famous words, “The Church is the only institution that exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its members.” We plastered that quote on our church website in Philadelphia. It inspires, it calls, and it convicts us to chew on what it means – practically. Honestly, 17 years later I wonder if we ever really plumbed the depths of that powerful assertion. It still feels far more aspirational than anything we ever realized.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (September 2023A)
Is evangelism a thing of the past?
That was the title of an article I read some time ago in Relevant Magazine. The article stated that according to a Barna study, 83 percent of American churchgoers aren’t clear about the Great Commission. Of those, roughly half indicated they had no idea what it is, while the others said they’d heard of the Great Commission but weren't sure of its exact meaning. The article also said that this lack of knowledge about the Great Commission increases among younger generations.
Alpha's Leadership Conference
Alpha’s Leadership Conference
FREE & Online | 24 & 25 May 2023
Watch the best of LC23, hosted live for a free, global experience - across various times
A Message from the Bishop - November 2022A
How easy it is to look at our circumstances and think we’re not on mission. Perhaps we think that because of our situation we can’t go, so we’re off the hook! Or maybe we think wistfully that as much as we might wish we could engage in mission, we’re just not able to in the way those who are younger or fitter are called to go to certain places or in particular ways.
Bike, Band and Barbecue Bash: Photos!
On Saturday, October 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Church of the Apostles hosted their Bike, Band and Barbecue Bash.
Tales from the Street: Enough Mercy
She stopped, looked at the sign, and in a very low voice, uttered these words: “That’s a hard one.” “Why is it hard?” I asked. I knew the answer. Long ago she had had two abortions under incredibly broken circumstances. She went on to have other children with the man she is still married to.
Bike, Barbecue, and Band Bash
Church of the Apostles in Fairfax, VA invites you to kick off the fall season with a Bike, Barbecue and Band Bash!
You are invited to the Pre-Synod Workshop!
Ministry in a Secular Age: Practices for Faith Formation and Evangelism with Robert Cunningham and April Murrie
A Message from the Bishop - September 2022A
As we draw near to the election of our next bishop, there is quite naturally both excitement and uncertainty in our life together as a diocese. We know that Jesus is on the throne, he is the head of the Church, and he has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church (Matthew 16:18).
Flooding Out Into the Community
Shepherd’s Heart Anglican Church in Fairfax, VA has been flooding out into the community in creative ways over the last six weeks. Due to a water leak in our fellowship space in early August, and the subsequent damage, we have had to get creative in how we engage one another and the surrounding community after church on Sundays.
Artist Share Night
Friends from Redeemer and other local congregations met at Redeemer’s Parish House and had a wonderful evening of fellowship, sharing, and encouragement of each others’ talents.
A Message from the Bishop - August 2022B
Let’s pray that God will give each of us the grace to take hold of Jesus afresh and the power to follow him in costly obedience.
Ascension at the Fair
Church of the Ascension in Kearneysville, WV is excited to have space at the local fair again this year! The 69th Annual Jefferson County Fair is underway.