World Mission Sunday 2025
On the second-to-last Sunday of Epiphany, February 23, 2025, we will have the opportunity to celebrate World Mission Sunday together.
New Wineskins Early Bird Registration Rate
Through worship, prayer, teaching, and partnership, the New Wineskins Conference gathers cross-cultural workers, global partners, mission agencies, resource ministries, and the global church to discover effective ways to collaborate with God and one another to fulfill the Great Commission!
You Are Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of the Celtic Saints
Join your Anglican brothers and sisters in Christ for an exclusive pilgrimage to explore the profound spiritual heritage of the Celtic saints, pioneers of our Anglican faith.
Apostles Serves at Kenyan Orphanage
Church of the Apostles (COA) in Fairfax, VA, continues a 20-year tradition of supporting the St. Nicholas orphanage in Karen, Kenya.
Epiphany sends delegation to Uganda
A group of sixteen, led by Church of the Epiphany member and Uganda Christian University Partners board member Lisa Baehr, traveled to Uganda Christian University for their Fall Graduation Ceremony.
The Rev. Juan Esteban Saravia Elected as Bishop for the Diocese of Santiago, Chile
Juan Esteban Saravia, born in Santiago, is currently serving as the Spanish Pastor at Christ Church Vienna, Vienna, VA and is studying for a master’s degree at the Anglican Seminary – Trinity School for Ministry. On January 25, 2025 in Santiago, Chile, Juan Esteban will be consecrated as the second Bishop for the Diocese of Santiago, Chile.
The Power of Entrepreneurship to Transform Lives
Join Five Talents and Anne Beiler, founder of Auntie Anne’s pretzel shops, to celebrate the power of entrepreneurship to transform lives.
One Body: Hope for the Persecuted
But why is this conference so important? APCN co-leader, Patricia Streeter, explains: “In these horrific days of attack on the church, it is imperative that we encourage each other in our quest to share the hope and light of Jesus to a very dark world.
One Body: Hope for the Persecuted
The Anglican Persecuted Church Network (APCN), a mission network of New Wineskins, invites you to a two-day conference this September 27 & 28 in Texas, focused on supporting the global persecuted church.
Global Anglican Prayer Gathering
The next Global Anglican Prayer gathering (GAP-RVA) is coming up soon, and your church is invited to participate in prayer and to learn more about this gathering to model something in your own church areas.
Uganda Christian University Vice Chancellor Visits Epiphany & Truro
After worshipping with Truro, Fairfax, VA, on Sunday, Jan. 28, Epiphany Anglican Church in Chantilly, VA was honored to host Dr. Aaron Mushengyezi, and his wife, Patience, February 1-4.
Incarnation Celebrates Candlemas & World Mission Sunday
This past Sunday, Incarnation Anglican Church (Arlington, VA) celebrated Candlemas and World Mission Sunday.
Incarnation-Restoration West Asia Night
The mission team had a chance to share about their trip and ways we can pray and support our partners in West Asia, then we closed our time by praying and singing together.
Global Bible Translators
On Feb. 4, for Global Mission Sunday, Church of the Apostles, Mr. Bill Bremmer presented the current state of Bible translation around the world. Bill shares that while English-speakers have more than 100 English translations of the Bible available, thousands of other language groups have none.
Message of Hope: Update from Ukraine
The Anglican Relief & Development Fund recently received several stories from their partners in Ukraine.
Resources for World Mission Sunday
Let World Mission Sunday be a day of inspiration, collaboration, and purpose as you celebrate and support global missions.
2024 World Mission Sunday from Archbishop Foley Beach
We serve a global God with a boundless heart for each of the 17,000 people groups on the globe.2 As World Mission Sunday for the ACNA on February 4 is fast approaching, I want to remind our Province of the tried-and-true global Anglican mission partners with whom ACNA churches can partner.
You Are Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of Paul
Would you like to get a firsthand look at the life and ministry of a bondservant of our Lord Jesus Christ who walked over 10,000 miles (not including his travels by sea) to take the Gospel to the Gentile world? If so, I invite you to join me and my wife, Glorianne, along with our Faith Pilgrimages Team for a Ten-Day Pilgrimage to Greece (with an optional three-day extension to Rome) to Walk in the Footsteps of the Apostle Paul, October 21-30, 2024.
Getting the Job Done: Five Talents Celebrates 25 Years of Ministry
Talents’ literacy, numeracy and business skills programs have supported more than 1.6 million community members worldwide – an accomplishment that is only possible because of our partnerships.