An International Presence: A Quarantine Blessing
When the pandemic first started in March 2020, Korean Anglican (Lutherville, MD) uploaded a PowerPoint version of the service on YouTube so people could follow along with the virtual service on YouTube. Before this point, our congregation only met in person at Resurrection Anglican in Luthersville with very little online presence. Almost immediately, several fellow Anglicans in other states and in Korea began watching the sermons.
New edition of Macalla - The literary and arts journal of St Brendan’s in the City
Publication of Macalla paused in the Spring of 2016. Fall 2020 brought a new invitation - the need now existed for people to process their pandemic experiences and reflections.
Hosting the Alpha Course during COVID
In this so-aptly-named “Covidtide” season, meeting new people is difficult. It seems to predominantly occur through neighborhood friendships or online discovery, which is difficult to target geographically. All the third spaces (e.g. pubs, coffee shops, etc.) just aren’t there in the way they were a year ago,…
AFL’s Annual Summit is Going VIRTUAL
In January, Anglicans for Life will be taking one of the biggest steps it’s made in more than 25 years. The ministry will livestream its annual Summit on January 16th and 23rd. For the first time ever, every single Anglican with an internet connection can access the Summit's life-changing, life-affirming training.
Christmas Day Services - Streaming
As so many seek to find comfort and joy during the 2020 Christmas season, the Diocese offers you a list of churches offering virtual Christmas Day services.
March for Life 2021 & Prayer Service
Please consider coming to Washington, DC on January 29 for the annual Prayer and Worship Service at 9:30 a.m., after which we will participate in the March for Life.
Equip!2020 - Session 1 “Surviving the Digital Shift.”
Enjoy the video now. and participate via zoom on November 12 at 7 p.m. for our first Equip! discussion session, “Surviving the Digital Shift.”
Thou, O Lord - Truro Anglican Church Virtual Choir
Enjoy this stunning anthem offered by members of the Truro Anglican Church choir for our 11:15am service on Sunday, October 18, 2020. Guest conductor: Joshua Spacht. Produced by Jamie Brown.
Planting a Church During a Pandemic
The picture with my light ring and computer sitting on a tub of liturgical supplies is such a good microcosm of what it feels like to plant a church during a pandemic: a tabernacling mindset with God's presence as the only constant. Our living room in this picture reminds me that it does not take many resources to make disciples.
Equip!2020 - Being the Church in a Digital World
Please mark your calendar for November 12 at 7 p.m. for our first Equip! session, “Surviving the Digital Shift.” The video will be posted a week in advance, so you’ll have time to view it. We look forward to trying this new format with you and hope that it will scratch the itch for us as we discern how best to "Be the Church in the Digital World."
New challenges, a pandemic, a major flood, a “Where’s Waldo” Vicar...
New challenges, a pandemic, a major flood, a “Where’s Waldo” Vicar, and outreach challenges… 2020 has been an interesting year for the Anglican Church of the Valley in Staunton.
The Falls Church Offers Fall Forums
The Falls Church Forum is kicking back up with two events this fall, one on September 20 with Dr. George Yancey, and another on October 18 with Dr. Alan Jacobs.
Electronic Communications, the Pleasures and Perils
In the past two weeks, we saw this as many in the Diocese received email from their “Rectors” asking assistance in purchasing comfort items or gift cards for a hospitalized parishioner.
New Website for the ACNA
Take time to "click" around the new website for the ACNA (Anglican Church of North America).
The Lord's Prayer in Multiple Languages
In honor of Pentecost, the Lord's Prayer was presented in multiple languages at Truro Anglican, Fairfax, VA. Be inspired by this beautiful video!
A Virtually "Perfect" Wedding
Thanks to a technologically savvy and creative team, Jim and Kim’s wedding ceremony did not have to be postponed!
Letter from the Bishop: "Let us not neglect meeting together..."
Like many experiences of great stress in our lives, this coronavirus season will make us better Christians or worse ones, but it won’t leave us unaffected. We will either trust the Lord more or we will give fear a greater hold on our hearts. We will either press in to Jesus or we will drift further away. We will come to realize how much we need in-person Christian community or we will conclude we do just fine by tuning in occasionally online.
A Virtual Hallelujah Chorus
Participants in the Easter Service at Truro were treated to a unique , virtual masterpiece!