Clergy Renewal of Vows: Photos
Enjoy photos from the Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows, Holy Eucharist, and Blessing of Oils at Church of the Epiphany, Chantilly, VA on April 4, 2023.
March Frederick Anglican Fellowship Update
Frederick Anglican Fellowship continue to be encouraged about how the Lord is working at our church plant in Frederick, Maryland. A steady group of folks has a growing investment in this church plant through their time, involvement, fellowship, and financial support.
Archbishop Essay Contest Winner
“The world will see a community of faith that is willing to make lasting lifestyle changes in response to what it cares about, and that will speak more powerfully than any post or placard.”
Explore Opportunities to Serve
A one-hour introduction to global Anglican mission opportunities with SAMS.
Finding Humility & Hope in John Newton's Story
The arc of redemption may be long, but by the rich mercy of Jesus Christ, it is sure.
AAC Offers Recovery Groups
The American Anglican Council (AAC) has created two Christ-centered, 12-Step groups that are SAFE and ANONYMOUS:
Resources for Lent
Throughout the Anglican communion there are resources to help during this period. Below we are providing resources to aide you and your parish going into this season. We hope this is helpful as you prepare for the upcoming Lent.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Come and be trained to lead Catechesis of the Good Shepherd!
Next Generation Leadership Initiative
Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI) has just launched a fresh, new website. Provincial Canon for NGLI, Aaron Buttery, said, “We want to make the new NGLI website to be wildly accessible to ACNA parishes and to integrate the work of other initiatives since there is overlap between a lot of them.”
Life Summit 2023
Life SUMMIT 2023 coincides with the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. You can attend in-person or virtually for all of the events.
ARDF Update: Kentucky Flood Relief
Through the help of the ARDF, we have been able to feed 3000 people, purchase much needed heaters and supplies for winter and start collecting items for babies.
Frederick Anglican Fellowship: Update
Exciting news! Frederick Anglican Fellowship has begun lay-led Morning Prayer services on the first Sunday of each month in Frederick, Maryland. Our first service was on Sunday, October 2, led by David Breisch. Even though it was pouring rain, we had a good turnout, including people we knew and guests they brought. It was a multi-generational group, and the fellowship was warm.
Accidental Outdoor Sunday Worship
Christ the Saviour Anglican, Mt. Vernon VA celebrated the All Saints service in the parking lot of the school, with our usual congregation, and hymns accompanied by our fiddler. Praise God it was a lovely day!
The Latest Edition of "The Apostle Online"
In this issue of the Apostle, we dig into the ministry of relationship, sharing the stories of a Rector who was adopted and reunited with his birth mother later in life, a campus minister leading a thriving ministry with college students, a unique cross-cultural experience in Uganda, and Knoxville’s “scruffy” kind of hospitality.
NGLI Upcoming Events
The latest NGLI newsletter has specific opportunities for various ministries, including family, students and young leaders, and women.
Church of the Good Shepherd Launch Date: October 30
The official public launch date for the Church of the Good Shepherd in Charlottesville, VA is Sunday, October 30.
Enjoy photos from the Electing Synod events
Enjoy photos from the Prayer Gathering, Eucharist, and Bishop Election.
You Are Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus
The opportunity to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land unfolded for my wife (Glorianne) and me in 2014 when we joined an Anglican pilgrimage group. The experience was so impactful that we began to host pilgrimages to the Holy Land in the years that followed through our ministry with Worship Equippers for Christ.
What It Means to be a Biracial Man and an Anglican
“Although I couldn’t understand everything she said, I never doubted her love for me and my sister. Her broken English and my poor Spanish was no barrier for her love.”