A Virtual Evening Meeting for Missionary Inquirers
Anglican Frontier Missions (AFM) is hosting A Virtual Evening Meeting for Missionary Inquirers for individuals discerning a call to missionary service.
Explore Opportunities to Serve
A one-hour introduction to global Anglican mission opportunities with SAMS.
Finding Humility & Hope in John Newton's Story
The arc of redemption may be long, but by the rich mercy of Jesus Christ, it is sure.
Enjoying Tea and Afghan Art
Incarnation Anglican, Arlington, VA, partners with Vera Fernandes of For the Nations DC, who provides trauma recovery work for Afghan refugee women.
Global Missions Leaders - You are Invited!
Churches around the Diocese gather regularly to discuss international mission opportunities. Alan MacDonald shares about the most recent gathering on Feb. 15 at Truro Anglican in Fairfax, VA.
Introducing Five Talents
Five Talents is a Christian microenterprise development organization that helps individuals, families, and communities to thrive, by equipping them with ways to save, invest, and develop small businesses.
World Mission Sunday
“[World Mission Sunday] offers us, as a Province, a chance to consider what each of us can do to advance the Kingdom of Christ around the world.” — Abp. Foley Beach, Anglican Church in North America
World Mission Sunday — Epiphany 2023
The designated dates for World Mission Sunday for 2023 are Feb. 5 or Feb. 12.
You Are Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of Paul
Our DOMA church family is invited to join Rev. Dean and Glorianne Schultz for a Faith Pilgrimage to Greece to “Walk in the Footsteps of Paul,” April 17-26, 2023.
Anglican Frontier Missions, DOMA Churches, and the Global Missions Initiative: A Profile of Partnership
Anglican Frontier Missions is grateful to be a missional partner of DOMA Churches and of DOMA’s newly launched Global Mission Initiative (GMI).
A Message from the Bishop - October 2022B
What a joy to experience our Electing Synod on Saturday, as we voted, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, to elect the Rev. Chris Warner to be our next bishop.
You Are Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus
The opportunity to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land unfolded for my wife (Glorianne) and me in 2014 when we joined an Anglican pilgrimage group. The experience was so impactful that we began to host pilgrimages to the Holy Land in the years that followed through our ministry with Worship Equippers for Christ.
A Message from the Bishop - October 2022A
As I’ve shared with our clergy, I urge each of our churches to establish an intentional partnership with a church or diocese overseas. This could involve support of a long-term missionary, but it should also include developing a meaningful connection with indigenous church leadership.
Pilgrimage: Walking the Way of Faith
“Yet, God also provides inspirational companions, sunshine, encouragement, and walking-stick assistance that keeps us from falling by means of Scripture, worship and prayer.”
New Wineskins Conference and Recordings
People from all over the Diocese attended New Wineskins 2022 Conference. If you were unable to attend, a variety of plenary sessions were recorded and are available on their Faceobok page.
Hope in the Holy Land
Church of the Resurrection (Timonium, MD) invites you to watch the documentary “Hope in the Holy Land” and participate in a Q&A session with the co-creator/producer Justin Kron.
Special Offer from New Wineskins 2022
While you are registering for New Wineskins 2022, make sure to use the special code for DOMA parishioners that will provide a 10% discount: DOMA22.
GAFCON Chairman's August Letter
Let us not hesitate in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those around us, teaching them what he has taught so clearly in the Bible: that they are loved by God and how to be his disciples.
ARDF Summer 2022 Update
In the past three months, ARDF sent more than $325,000 in relief funds to Alabama, Australia, Haiti, Texas, and (areas in and around) Ukraine.
ARDF: Update from Ukraine
As the war in Ukraine enters its eleventh week, our partners have been busy serving the multitudes of refugees and internally displaced people forced to leave their homes. Here is an update on their latest activities.