You’re Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus
Have you desired to visit the Holy Land but were waiting for the right opportunity? I invite you to join me and our Faith Pilgrimage partners based in Israel for an 11 Day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land to "Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus" (not to mention the Old and New Testament saints) January 22 – February 1, 2024.
The Latest Edition of "The Apostle Online"
In this issue of the Apostle, we dig into the ministry of relationship, sharing the stories of a Rector who was adopted and reunited with his birth mother later in life, a campus minister leading a thriving ministry with college students, a unique cross-cultural experience in Uganda, and Knoxville’s “scruffy” kind of hospitality.
A Message from the Bishop - October 2022B
What a joy to experience our Electing Synod on Saturday, as we voted, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, to elect the Rev. Chris Warner to be our next bishop.
A Message from the Bishop - October 2022A
As I’ve shared with our clergy, I urge each of our churches to establish an intentional partnership with a church or diocese overseas. This could involve support of a long-term missionary, but it should also include developing a meaningful connection with indigenous church leadership.
You are invited to the Pre-Synod Workshop!
Ministry in a Secular Age: Practices for Faith Formation and Evangelism with Robert Cunningham and April Murrie
A Message from the Bishop - September 2022A
As we draw near to the election of our next bishop, there is quite naturally both excitement and uncertainty in our life together as a diocese. We know that Jesus is on the throne, he is the head of the Church, and he has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church (Matthew 16:18).
The Catechism in Family Prayer Available
Here is the full and complete Catechism in Family Prayer, just in time for Fall ministry, Confirmation preparation, and the young people you know. Every question of our Catechism, in the context of family prayer and scripture reading, for daily devotion and conversation.
A Message from the Bishop - August 2022B
Let’s pray that God will give each of us the grace to take hold of Jesus afresh and the power to follow him in costly obedience.
A Message from the Bishop - August 2022A
May God give us the grace to offer ourselves to him as living sacrifices, serving always for his glory and for the spread of his Kingdom.
Bishop John offers Encouragement to Pastors
While travel has been restricted over the past two years, Pastor to Pastor calls provided a means for SOMA to continue its ministry during the pandemic. This February, Bishop Guernsey participated in a Pastor to Paster call and shared valuable wisdom gained from his years in global ministry and mission.
Christ the King Sends Team to Kenya
In February, Christ the King Church sent Hayden Sealander and David Glade along with his two daughters to Kenya to visit a local pastor that they support.
The Gathering 2022
The ACNA invites you to attend The Gathering 2022 — an annual event provided by the Matthew 25 Initiative, one of the ministry initiatives within the Anglican Church in North America. This year's event takes place February 22-24, 2022 in El Paso, Texas, with a theme of Building Bridges: Peacemaking + Reconciliation + Conflict-Resolution.
Student Leadership Network Gathering
The next Network Gathering will be on Feb. 14 at noon (EST) via Zoom. This month, the guest will be Dr. Brian Hull, Director of Youth Becoming Leaders and the Archbishop's School for Young Leaders.
Catechism in Family Prayer
"This is an excellent way for families to not only pray together, but also to learn the basics of the faith together. It's simple and profound. It's biblical and prayerful." --Archbishop Foley Beach
A Message from the Bishop - November 2021A
Hezekiah and Josiah show us that when hearts are turned back to the Lord and to his Word, transformation—even of an entire nation—can follow. Let’s resist the lure of hopelessness and complacency and rise up in prayer for God to move in power to renew both the Church and our society.
Go to Church – for your Health?
If church attendance is so good for us physically and spiritually, why is it so hard for us sometimes (even without a pandemic)? Well, both Christian and secular culture have been on a decades long quest for the benefits of church without the commitments that go with it.
The Gifts of Giving Thanks
Christ has secured this for us in the cross, pronounced even our weakest efforts to give thanks to God as worthy by triumphing over death, and receives our thanksgiving and praise as he sits enthroned at the right hand of God. This is our confidence to approach the Father and give Him our thanks.
Student Leadership Network
The Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI) exists to assist dioceses and parishes in the work of developing the next generation of leaders, both lay and ordained. Our mission is to discover, develop, and deploy leaders and ministry resources for the Anglican Church in North America.
A Message from the Bishop - October 2021A
Have you noticed that some days you might be surrounded by chaos and face crisis upon crisis, yet you experience the supernatural joy of the Lord in the midst of it all? And then there are other days, when outwardly things are smooth sailing, but inside you’re a wreck?
Questions in the Dark
But what happens when life is disappointing and we experience loss and trials? Do we think that God is good and faithful even in the midst of that? Can we trust that God has a plan to redeem the awful stuff in our lives?