Healthy Clergy & Church Leadership Pre-Synod Workshop
The Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic invites you to the annual pre-synod workshop. This year’s program is Healthy Clergy and Church Leadership: Cultivating congregational health as clergy & lay leaders, featuring Dr. Diane Langberg & The Rev. Tuck Bartholomew. Held at The Falls Church Anglican.
New Wineskins Global Mission Conference
New Wineskins for Global Mission conferences occur every three years. This conference is more than a global missions training conference. It has become a family reunion for mission-minded Anglicans from all over the world.
Training for Treasurers & Financial Administrators
On August 28, the Diocese hosted an online training event for church treasurers, as well as vestry members, administrators, clergy, or finance committee members. This training included topics such as: “Top 10 things I wish someone had told me”” and “common financial pitfalls.” The recording of the training and all of the resources are available on the diocesan website.
Afghan Refugees: What You Can Do
In recent weeks, as we have read the news from Afghanistan, our hearts are troubled. As our military mission there has ended, so many Afghan refugees are arriving here – and the DC/Maryland/Virginia area is a major focus for their immediate resettlement. In short, we have a missional opportunity to show the love of Christ to these Afghan families, our new neighbors, welcoming the stranger (Matt. 25:39) and showing true hospitality to those in need. We have an unprecedented opportunity work in unity with area churches to meet these needs.
Essential Christianity
The Christian Faith is exceedingly beautiful, expansive, and compelling. Sometimes, though, its beauty gets obscured or dulled in our minds and hearts. "Essential Christianity" is a 9-week, online course taught by Rev. Bill Haley meant to bring us back in touch with the expansive beauty of the Christian Story.
Regenerations' Path Through the Wilderness
Our deepest desire as human beings is to know and be known by God and others. What do you do when unwanted sexual behavior and unhealthy relationships prevent you from making those God ordained connections? Regeneration’s Path through the Wilderness is a program to help individuals find healing and transformation so they can experience true intimacy with God and others.
A Call to Prayer from Archbishop Foley Beach Regarding the Situation in Afghanistan, Haiti, and the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
As the world seemingly darkens, remember that the Church is to be a light to the world, pointing to the One who is the Light of life. Let us remain united together in Christ, as citizens of heaven, opposing the powers of darkness,
Summer Internship Reflection
My earliest memory is of Anglican liturgy. As a five-year-old, I was captivated by the way people closed their eyes with their hands lifted as they prayed “Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts,” how they raised their voices in agreement with lectionary readings, how their heads bowed in confession, and how they knelt humbly during the Lord’s Prayer.
Pray & Ponder
Pray & Ponder, a podcast by Restoration Anglican in Arlington, VA is wrapping up season 3 -- TEND+grow -- as the school year ends and is already preparing season 4 -- Wild Wondering with God -- which will be available over the summer -- just in time for road trips!
Appalachian Anglican
When we started planning our topics for the Appalachian Anglican podcast, we tried to come at it with the mindset that our listeners could potentially be new to a historic and traditional church environment. We try to discuss each topic as a conversation while interjecting thoughts of how we perceive the church exists today similarly as she did in her early history.
Summer 2021 Opportunities
This summer, with COVID restrictions lifting, there are so many more opportunities to reach out to the communities with fun, creative, and powerful ministry events.
Discipleship: The Future of the Church
In this article from the Trinity School of Ministry’s publication “Seed and Harvest” (Spring/Summer 2021), the Church of the Resurrection in Baltimore, MD is featured as a leader in the Anglican Church for their discipleship. By understanding that spiritual growth with numerical growth happen together, prioritizing the integration of new families, and focusing on community group ministry, Resurrection has witnessed God’s blessing through COVID-19.
Anglican FAQ Video Series
What are the 39 Articles? What’s up with the wine? Why do Anglicans pray the Lord’s Prayer?
These are just a sampling of the questions answered in the Anglican FAQ Video Series by the Rev. Justin Clemente of New Creation Church in Hagerstown, MD.
Five Questions to ask re: Growth as a New Church Plant
There are no recipes or formulas for healthy church growth. Giving each of these five questions your attention will not necessarily lead to new people visiting and joining, but they will help you do your part in preparing to respond to God’s work.
Annual Congregational Reports
Training videos and important updates for completing the 2020 Annual Congregational Reports.
How to Care for Your Pastor and His Family During the Holidays
You may not know this if you’ve never been on a church staff (or married to someone who is), but the holidays can be an especially stressful time for pastors and everyone else on the team.
Equip!2020 - Session 1 “Surviving the Digital Shift.”
Enjoy the video now. and participate via zoom on November 12 at 7 p.m. for our first Equip! discussion session, “Surviving the Digital Shift.”
Equip!2020 - Being the Church in a Digital World
Please mark your calendar for November 12 at 7 p.m. for our first Equip! session, “Surviving the Digital Shift.” The video will be posted a week in advance, so you’ll have time to view it. We look forward to trying this new format with you and hope that it will scratch the itch for us as we discern how best to "Be the Church in the Digital World."