Resources for World Mission Sunday
Let World Mission Sunday be a day of inspiration, collaboration, and purpose as you celebrate and support global missions.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (January 2024)
As Sprit-filled and biblically-informed Anglican Christians, we believe God is the author and preserver of life. Because of this, we know that all human life is a sacred gift from God and that it must be protected from the moment of conception to natural death.
A Logo Story: Incarnation Anglican Church, Arlington, VA
Altogether, this logo is meant to be a picture of the Incarnation: God made tangible in a particular time and place, among a particular people with particular stories. It's a creative imagining of the Message paraphrase of John 1:14: "The Word became flesh and moved into the neighborhood."
Congratulations to the 2023 Archbishop Essay Winners!
The Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic is thrilled to congratulate winners of the 2023 Archbishop’s Annual Summer Essay Contest: The Venerable Canon Justin Murff (currently serving as Interim Rector at Incarnation Anglican in Williamsburg, VA) and Todd Milton, parishioner at Church of the Good Shepherd in Lynchburg, VA.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (November 2023B)
Our recent annual Diocesan Synod was such an encouraging experience. The theme for our Synod was “Called to Go” and focused on the outward movement of the church into the world. As the missiologist Rolland Allen wrote, “The Holy Spirit is a missionary Spirit relentlessly driving the church outward to witness.”
Celebrating Native American Heritage
November is Native American Heritage Month; this is an excellent time to be intentional about hearing the stories and understanding the experiences of Native American or First Nations people.
Digital Missions Curriculum
Anglican Frontier Missions Presents:
Fulfilling the Great Commission Anglicanly:
A Four-Session Introductory Study on Global Missions
Recording Available: Autism and Communities of Belonging
If you were unable to attend the October event titled “ Imago Dei in the Church: Autism and Communities of Belonging” sponsored by Access and Women’s Leadership Networks of the Next Generation Leadership Initiative, the recording is now available! ‘
Sat., Dec. 2, 4 p.m.
Doors open at 3:30 p.m.
The Falls Church Anglican
Falls Church VA
A Logo Story: Church of the Good Shepherd, Lynchburg, VA
Church of the Good Shepherd, Lynchburg, VA is a place where many weary, hurting people have come to find rest and hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. We often hear that the grieving, the wounded, and the weary receive comfort and healing by coming to Sunday worship and partaking in the liturgy.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (November 2023A)
In Acts 1: 8-9, Jesus said, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses, in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Jesus calls us to be his witnesses wherever he puts us and to whomever he sends us. One such witness, and a personal hero in the faith to me, was Charles Simeon. Simeon was a British Anglican evangelical pastor who lived in Cambridge England in the early 19th century.
A Logo Story: All Saints' Church
Many of the churches in the Diocese have very intentional logos used as a part of their church’s story and mission. All Saints’ Church in Woodbridge, VA shares about their logo below.
The Jerusalem Cross: All Saints’ Church
Public Launch for Trinity Burke
What a joy it was to hear that space full of God’s people singing his praises, to baptize two dear boys, to break off piece after piece of homemade, gluten free Communion bread and place it in waiting palms: “the body of Jesus, given for you.”
Register for LifeSummit 2024 Today!
Anglicans For Life (AFL) invites you to attend our annual Life SUMMIT conference which coincides with the National March for Life in Washington, D.C.. The events kick-off Thursday evening, January 18, 2024, and run through Saturday, January 20, 2024. Over the course of three days, students and adults will celebrate life, encounter the culture of death that is prevalent in our society, worship God, our Creator, and be equipped to mobilize their local church for Life-Affirming ministry!
A Letter from Bishop Chris (October 2023B)
'The New Testament assumes that people outside of Christ and apart from God are lost and need a Savior. Jesus told vivid stories in Luke 15 about a coin, a sheep, and two sons. All were lost and all were sought. In those stories, to be lost is more about “awayness” than “badness.” The coin was away from the purse, the sheep from the sheepfold, and the sons from the father’s house.
Fulfilling the Great Commission Anglicanly
Produced by Anglican Frontier Missions (AFM), Fulfilling the Great Commission Anglicanly is a free, four-week video-driven curriculum that contains short readings, ample time for large and/or small group discussions, and even some (modest) homework!
A Logo Story: All Souls Anglican Church, Richmond, VA
All Souls wanted their logo to be beautiful, ancient, and explicitly Christian. They wanted it to convey, first, that they are a church (important!), a connection to the past, that they value beauty as an essential characteristic of God. Further, it was important that the logo express that their community, while sincere, does not take itself overly-seriously, and is a place to come unvarnished and unafraid.
A Logo Story: Church of the Good Shepherd (Charlottesville, VA)
Church of the Good Shepherd is an Anglican church plant in Charlottesville, Virginia. We are a community seeking to grow into Christ’s likeness for the glory of God, for the abundance of our own lives, and for the good of our neighbors.
Two Disaster Response Trip Opportunities
The Anglican Relief and Development Fund has announced two opportunities to serve communities damaged by hurricanes.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (September 2023B)
I have two things that are uppermost in my mind as I write to you today. The first has to do with an emerging sense of vision that I’m seeing for our diocese and our churches. The second is related to the book of Revelation and Hispanic Heritage month.