Public Launch for Trinity Burke

by Mike Seawright

This past Sunday (10/15 @ 10:15 a.m.) was Trinity Church’s “official launch,” and there is so much to be grateful for. I must confess — I was very nervous. Jenny could definitely tell I was anxious on Saturday, and that feeling continued until I stood in the front of the room and declared: “Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” and heard a roomful of people reply: “And blessed be his kingdom, now and forever!”

What a joy it was to hear that space full of God’s people singing his praises, to baptize two dear boys, to break off piece after piece of homemade, gluten-free Communion bread and place it in waiting palms: “the body of Jesus, given for you.” I am grateful for the small army of volunteers that does almost everything, from brewing far above average church coffee, to setting up chairs, to setting up and staffing three different kids classrooms and figuring out sound systems and bringing snacks and cake and welcoming neighbors and coordinating it all. What a blessing to see God’s people at work, preparing a community space for God’s people to gather and worship and learn and pray!!!

We set up 120 chairs. When the kids came back from their classes for Communion, they were mostly full, and that’s not taking into account the children and volunteers that remained in the nursery. All of the technology worked as it was supposed to, except for the two different ways we were trying to record the service. We’ll figure that out for next week.

It’s been a joy to figure out the little distinctives to our worshiping life — mostly they center around young people. I love that our worship team is nearly half young people, and that we have a music director who loves teaching and including them. I love the prayer we pray for kids as they head to their classes before the sermon. I love that it is always a kid who sends us out into the world at the close of the service.

We have welcomed first-time and returning visitors every week we have gathered for worship. I continue to pray that God would grow his church at his pace, even as we are faithful to take risks in inviting friends and neighbors who may not yet know Jesus.

The highlight for me was baptizing W. and C. Specifically, immediately after I baptized 3 year old W., he looked up at me, gave me a huge grin and giant “thumbs up” and said: “Hey — that’s good!” Yes, indeed, it is good!!

Read the entire letter from Mike here.

The Rev. Mike Seawright is Church Planting Pastor for Trinity Burke in Burke, VA.

Photos courtesy of Sophia Jordan Photography.


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