Public Launch for Trinity Burke
What a joy it was to hear that space full of God’s people singing his praises, to baptize two dear boys, to break off piece after piece of homemade, gluten free Communion bread and place it in waiting palms: “the body of Jesus, given for you.”
Trinity Burke: Public Worship Starting Soon
f you have been following the journey of Trinity Burke (or any of the other DOMA church plants), you may know that it takes the support of the saints to plant a church: time, finances, prayer, and partnership. This Diocese has an incredible amount of supporters in every possible way. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Trinity Burke Church Plant: A logo, a website, a shower!
Starting a new church is a bit like having a baby. There’s all sorts of stuff that is needed to gather a group of people for public worship, and it all costs money that a new baby church doesn’t have. So we’ve pulled together a “registry” so that friends and family and the church can give towards specific, tangible items needed to help us move into this next season.