The Access Leadership Network: You are invited!
The Access Leadership Network seeks to discover, develop, and deploy leaders working to build communities of belonging for those with and without disabilities in parishes across the ACNA.
Greetings from Kigali!
Greetings from Kigali, Rwanda where we are attending GAFCON 4 (Global Anglican Futures Conference).
Subscribe to the Apostle Magazine
Are you looking for encouraging, edifying stories that show how God is at work in the Anglican Church in North America?
Keep updated on GAFCON IV
Around 17 participants, including Bishop Chris and Catherine Warner, from the Diocese have arrived in Kigali, Rwanda for the fourth meeting of the Global Anglican Future Conference (April 17-21, 2023).
Archbishop Essay Contest Winner
“The world will see a community of faith that is willing to make lasting lifestyle changes in response to what it cares about, and that will speak more powerfully than any post or placard.”
Youth Becoming Leaders
The Archbishop's School for Young Leaders (ASYL) is designed to join you in equipping young people for kingdom service in their local communities.
GAFCON Response to Church of England General Synod
Blessings to you as you behold the beauty of the Lord and his immense truth and grace on display through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul so eloquently writes, ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”’ (Rom 1:16-17).
Resources for Lent
Throughout the Anglican communion there are resources to help during this period. Below we are providing resources to aide you and your parish going into this season. We hope this is helpful as you prepare for the upcoming Lent.
Youth Attend Anglican Youth Ministry Winter Retreat
Last weekend, Jan. 18-21, over 300 youth and volunteers from DOMA and Diocese of Christ Our Hope gathered for a weekend of crazy games, tremendous worship, Anglican formation, powerful teaching, and life-changing discussions.
Photos from Life Summit 2023
Last weekend's Life SUMMIT empowered attendees to be effective ministers of the Gospel of Life to those that are lost and lonely in our communities. Enjoy photos of the various events and watch a video from the prayer service.
World Mission Sunday
“[World Mission Sunday] offers us, as a Province, a chance to consider what each of us can do to advance the Kingdom of Christ around the world.” — Abp. Foley Beach, Anglican Church in North America
Anglican Frontier Missions, DOMA Churches, and the Global Missions Initiative: A Profile of Partnership
Anglican Frontier Missions is grateful to be a missional partner of DOMA Churches and of DOMA’s newly launched Global Mission Initiative (GMI).
The Latest Edition of "The Apostle Online"
In this issue of the Apostle, we dig into the ministry of relationship, sharing the stories of a Rector who was adopted and reunited with his birth mother later in life, a campus minister leading a thriving ministry with college students, a unique cross-cultural experience in Uganda, and Knoxville’s “scruffy” kind of hospitality.
NGLI Upcoming Events
The latest NGLI newsletter has specific opportunities for various ministries, including family, students and young leaders, and women.
New Wineskins Conference and Recordings
People from all over the Diocese attended New Wineskins 2022 Conference. If you were unable to attend, a variety of plenary sessions were recorded and are available on their Faceobok page.
The Catechism in Family Prayer Available
Here is the full and complete Catechism in Family Prayer, just in time for Fall ministry, Confirmation preparation, and the young people you know. Every question of our Catechism, in the context of family prayer and scripture reading, for daily devotion and conversation.
Always Forward: Committed to a Common Mission
After the agendas died down and several of us were sitting by the fire, one Canon turned to me and said, “These conversations give me hope.”
Special Offer from New Wineskins 2022
While you are registering for New Wineskins 2022, make sure to use the special code for DOMA parishioners that will provide a 10% discount: DOMA22.
GAFCON Chairman's August Letter
Let us not hesitate in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those around us, teaching them what he has taught so clearly in the Bible: that they are loved by God and how to be his disciples.
ARDF Summer 2022 Update
In the past three months, ARDF sent more than $325,000 in relief funds to Alabama, Australia, Haiti, Texas, and (areas in and around) Ukraine.