Christmas Extravaganza
Holy Spirit (Leesburg, VA) held a Christmas Extravaganza and the photos are delightful!
Healing Service
Holy Spirit in Leesburg, VA invites you to a Healing Service with the Rev. Jay Baylor on October 5 at 5 p.m.
Holy Spirit Youth Dedicate a week to serving
The youth group at Church of the Holy Spirit recently embarked on a meaningful service trip to Niagara Falls, New York. Partnering with YouthWorks, a nondenominational mission organization, our young members dedicated a week to serving a community in need.
Pentecost Around the Diocese
Enjoy photos of Pentecost services and celebrations around the Diocese!
Church Planting in DOMA - Commands and Prophecy
In the 1980’s, a prophetic word was given at Church of the Apostles in Fairfax that was considered so significant that it was printed up with other “abiding words” and put in the literature rack there. I read it in the early 1990’s, and it gripped me. It was a vision that a series of renewed, on-fire churches would be planted which would become a “Ring of Fire” around our nation’s capital. I was discerning a call to church planting at the time, and this word helped to propel my calling.
Healing Mother Wounds
Many people carry wounds they incurred from their mothers, such as unmet needs, absence, neglect, harsh words, or abusive behavior. Thanks be to God, the Lord can go back heal those wounds with His perfect love!
Healing Father Wounds
At the Church of the Holy Spirit (Leesburg, VA) monthly healing service, The Rev. Clancy Nixon will be speaking on “Healing Father Wounds.”
You Are Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of Paul
Would you like to get a firsthand look at the life and ministry of a bondservant of our Lord Jesus Christ who walked over 10,000 miles (not including his travels by sea) to take the Gospel to the Gentile world? If so, I invite you to join me and my wife, Glorianne, along with our Faith Pilgrimages Team for a Ten-Day Pilgrimage to Greece (with an optional three-day extension to Rome) to Walk in the Footsteps of the Apostle Paul, October 21-30, 2024.
A Ride to School!
Shade School in Tanzania is expanding, adding the third grade, and enrolling 56 new students in January 2024! While this is wonderful news, these students need a ride to school!
To give towards the bus and double the impact, visit ARDF Match for Shade Bus before the end of the year!
Deliverance Prayer Ministry Training
Deliverance Prayer Ministry Training
Beginning September 13
Church of the Holy Spirit
Leesburg, VA
You’re Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus
Have you desired to visit the Holy Land but were waiting for the right opportunity? I invite you to join me and our Faith Pilgrimage partners based in Israel for an 11 Day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land to "Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus" (not to mention the Old and New Testament saints) January 22 – February 1, 2024.
Growing in the Gift of Prophecy
Do you want to know what prophecy is? Would you like to learn the basics of how to prophesy, who can prophesy, who is a prophet, and how to discern false from true prophecy?
Good Shepherd Church of India
A great friend of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, Archbishop D’souza enjoyed spending time with the people in the Church of the Holy Spirit, Leesburg, VA, celebrated the eucharist, and spoke on Hebrews 12:1-3, while giving an update on Good Shepherd's vibrant ministry going on in India.
World Mission Sunday
“[World Mission Sunday] offers us, as a Province, a chance to consider what each of us can do to advance the Kingdom of Christ around the world.” — Abp. Foley Beach, Anglican Church in North America
Clergy Lunch - Dec 2023
On Dec. 6, 2022, Church of the Holy Spirit (Leesburg, VA) hosted the December Clergy Luncheon. Enjoy photos from the day.
You Are Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus
The opportunity to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land unfolded for my wife (Glorianne) and me in 2014 when we joined an Anglican pilgrimage group. The experience was so impactful that we began to host pilgrimages to the Holy Land in the years that followed through our ministry with Worship Equippers for Christ.
Come and Experience a Healing Service with the Psalms!
Come and experience a "Healing Encounter with the Psalms" at Church of the Holy Spirit, on Saturday, October 1, at 5 PM. 908 Trailview Blvd. Suite 200, Leesburg, VA 20175. Invite friends to attend with you!
Healing Prayer Service
You are invited to a wonderful Healing Service at Church of the Holy Spirit, Leesburg, VA, with a teaching by the Rev. Clancy Nixon on “Healing of the Soul.”
Youth Creation Festival Trip
A group of 22 teens and adult volunteers set up camp in Shirleysburg, PA from June 30-July 3 for Creation Festival. Creation Festival is an annual event where groups and families can camp and listen to 5 days of Christian bands and speakers.