Corpus Christi Serves at Hypothermia Shelter
Multiple generations of from Corpus Christi Anglican Church served their neighbors experiencing housing insecurity.
Youth at Corpus Christi Supports local Outreach
This year our older youth led an outreach event where we sold Christmas trees to give a percentage of the sales to the Ecumenical Community Housing Organization (ECHO).
September is Child Protection Month
September is Child Protection Training Month for Clergy of the Diocese.
Camp Turtlepond 2024
Christ the Saviour Anglican Church, Alexandria VA, sponsored its fifth summer youth camp, Camp Turtlepond, in the mountains of North Carolina in late June.
Holy Spirit Youth Dedicate a week to serving
The youth group at Church of the Holy Spirit recently embarked on a meaningful service trip to Niagara Falls, New York. Partnering with YouthWorks, a nondenominational mission organization, our young members dedicated a week to serving a community in need.