Digital Missions Curriculum
Anglican Frontier Missions Presents:
Fulfilling the Great Commission Anglicanly:
A Four-Session Introductory Study on Global Missions
Support for Anglican Church of Kenya Orphanage
Church of the Apostles (COA) in Fairfax, VA, continues a 20-year tradition of supporting the St. Nicholas orphanage in Karen, Kenya, in the completion of a recent visit from November 6 – 18, 2023.
A Ride to School!
Shade School in Tanzania is expanding, adding the third grade, and enrolling 56 new students in January 2024! While this is wonderful news, these students need a ride to school!
To give towards the bus and double the impact, visit ARDF Match for Shade Bus before the end of the year!
Fulfilling the Great Commission Anglicanly
Produced by Anglican Frontier Missions (AFM), Fulfilling the Great Commission Anglicanly is a free, four-week video-driven curriculum that contains short readings, ample time for large and/or small group discussions, and even some (modest) homework!
ARDF partners with CMJ-Israel
ARDF is partnering with CMJ-Israel to bring aid and support to survivors of the conflict. CMJ-Israel is providing relief, spiritual care, trauma counseling, and coordinating housing for displaced families. Donate to support much needed relief efforts, and please keep them and all who are suffering from this violence in your prayers.
DOMA Global Missions Gathering & Partnerships
On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Greenbrier Baptist Church in Arlington, VA, DOMA global mission and outreach leaders are invited to hear from Bishop Chris Warner and to share an update on global partnerships.
Building Bridges Toward Extended Family
This has been the heart and vision of our church, Christ Church Vienna, as we have taken prayerful, consistent and intentional steps toward knowing and inviting our Spanish-speaking neighbors here in Vienna into our lives and into the life of our church. Ultimately our prayer is that Jesus would take the different groups that exist in our community that are all too easily divided, isolated and unknown one to another, and reconcile us to himself to create something new as we are all welcomed into one extended family, with Christ as our head.
Back to School with Joy and Enthusiasm for Adult English students and teachers!
We wish we could communicate the joy in our classes as we teach, learn, laugh, and enjoy community. Our students come from the Middle East, Asia, South America, and Central America with the majority being Spanish speakers from Bolivia and Guatemala.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (September 2023B)
I have two things that are uppermost in my mind as I write to you today. The first has to do with an emerging sense of vision that I’m seeing for our diocese and our churches. The second is related to the book of Revelation and Hispanic Heritage month.
Support Flood Survivors in Libya
On September 11, 2023, residents of the coastal city Derna in Libya awoke to the explosive sounds of two dams breaking, releasing a wall of water that quickly destroyed sections of the city and killed thousands.
Christ the King Helps Congolese Refugee Put Down Roots
It took six years, but after much help from an Anglican bishop in Burundi, the American ambassador in Burundi and “Team Michel” – the group of Christ the King parishioners that consisted of French speakers, doctors, lawyers and friends – the Katulas were all together again in Alexandria.
What is the ARDF?
The Anglican Relief and Development Fund has been around since 2004, but with this long name it can sometimes be confusing to know who they are and what they do. Thankfully, their mission can be explained by their acronym: ARDF.
You’re Invited to Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus
Have you desired to visit the Holy Land but were waiting for the right opportunity? I invite you to join me and our Faith Pilgrimage partners based in Israel for an 11 Day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land to "Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus" (not to mention the Old and New Testament saints) January 22 – February 1, 2024.
What Portion of the Anglican Communion does GAFCON and the GSFA Represent?
The Kigali Commitment (2023) asserts that the primates who align with the statement “represent the overwhelming majority (estimated at 85%) of Anglicans worldwide.” The accuracy of this number has been publicly challenged, and so an explanation is in order.
Love in Action Challenge
The "Love in Action Challenge" is a virtual race that was organized last year in honor and in memory of the Rev. Jack Grubbs (former Canon for Ordinations for the Diocese), an avid runner, and Board Chairman of Shade, an organization that helps children with albinism who are mistreated or in danger.
Korean Anglican Church in Maryland
The month of May is designated as Asian Heritage Month. But in Korea, May is designated as the Family Month where we honor our parents on Parent’s Day and celebrate our children in Children’s Day. And it is my honor to share the wondrous works God has been doing with our Family in Christ.
Gafcon: Reflection from The Rev. Sam Ferguson
Launched in Jerusalem in 2008, GAFCON stands as a response to the crisis in our Communion. Its goal is to offer a biblical counter to progressive Anglicans’ errors in doctrine and practice and a spiritual home for the faithful.
Greetings from Kigali!
Greetings from Kigali, Rwanda where we are attending GAFCON 4 (Global Anglican Futures Conference).
Keep updated on GAFCON IV
Around 17 participants, including Bishop Chris and Catherine Warner, from the Diocese have arrived in Kigali, Rwanda for the fourth meeting of the Global Anglican Future Conference (April 17-21, 2023).