What's the Best Wine Ever Made?
At New Creation Church in Hagerstown, MD, we delight to be the church in unexpected places. Just recently on Saturday, June 12, we had the opportunity to go into the Interstate Wine Festival, a regional event that attracts thousands of people each year. We sign up as a non-profit vendor and bring a flyer that simply asks the question, "What's the Best Wine Ever Made?"
BE Transformed
Michelle Chase, a leader of Love Baltimore (previously Apostles in the City), wants to see Baltimore transformed by the love of Christ. Michelle had a vision of a happy home where kids in Belair-Edison, Baltimore could find a safe place after school and throughout the summer months.
Appalachian Anglican
When we started planning our topics for the Appalachian Anglican podcast, we tried to come at it with the mindset that our listeners could potentially be new to a historic and traditional church environment. We try to discuss each topic as a conversation while interjecting thoughts of how we perceive the church exists today similarly as she did in her early history.
Discipleship: The Future of the Church
In this article from the Trinity School of Ministry’s publication “Seed and Harvest” (Spring/Summer 2021), the Church of the Resurrection in Baltimore, MD is featured as a leader in the Anglican Church for their discipleship. By understanding that spiritual growth with numerical growth happen together, prioritizing the integration of new families, and focusing on community group ministry, Resurrection has witnessed God’s blessing through COVID-19.
Anglican Church of the Valley Opens Bookstore
The closure of Staunton’s last Christian Bookstore in 2019 gave the local vicar an idea. Why not open a small Christian bookstore combined with a parish office?
Community Outreach During Holy Week
Each of our Sunday morning members invested the early part of Holy Week in contacting our Wednesday night households to arrange a good time to connect and deliver the baskets, and shopped for items to stuff the baskets. After worship on Good Friday, we assembled the baskets.
Rediscovering Evangelism: An AAC Video Series
Every church is called to share the Gospel. Sadly, that doesn’t always happen. There is a need for us to rediscover how to do evangelism. We know it can be fearful, but in this 6-part study, you'll learn how to do just that...and it's free!
Work Day at a Neighborhood School
Over 60 volunteers from Redeemer Anglican in Richmond, VA completed a variety of large projects to help prepare the facilities ahead of a local neighborhood school's launch this fall.
News that Causes Us to Act
Search for hyper-local news that presents us “with an opportunity to love, to pray, to serve, or to celebrate at the human level.” The only way to find this news is by engaging in conversations with our neighbors, friends, and family.
The Blessing of the Burrito Bandits
In February, Tori (my wife)i and I were the self-proclaimed "burrito-bandits", delivering burritos and desserts to students as we race across campus. It's been so fun!
Meager Meal Outreach Tradition Continues
Holy Spirit Anglican (Lewes, DE) uses the Meager Meal weekly Lenten event as an introduction, not only to Jesus or some aspect of the Christian faith, but as an opportunity to invite people outside the church to grow in their faith.
Hosting the Alpha Course during COVID
In this so-aptly-named “Covidtide” season, meeting new people is difficult. It seems to predominantly occur through neighborhood friendships or online discovery, which is difficult to target geographically. All the third spaces (e.g. pubs, coffee shops, etc.) just aren’t there in the way they were a year ago,…
Five Questions to ask re: Growth as a New Church Plant
There are no recipes or formulas for healthy church growth. Giving each of these five questions your attention will not necessarily lead to new people visiting and joining, but they will help you do your part in preparing to respond to God’s work.
Joyful Noise Club
The Joyful Noise Club at Messiah Anglican is an awesome place where young people with and without disabilities come to have fun and learn about Jesus!
Carols by Glowstick
Carols by Glowstick was a family-friendly, everyone-welcome, Christmas sing-along for young and old alike!
Equip!2020 - Session 1 “Surviving the Digital Shift.”
Enjoy the video now. and participate via zoom on November 12 at 7 p.m. for our first Equip! discussion session, “Surviving the Digital Shift.”
A Message from the Bishop - Renewing our trust in our Good Shepherd
I beseech you to pray fervently for our nation. Pray for God’s just resolution of our election crisis. Pray for peace and for healing for our people.
Equip!2020 - Being the Church in a Digital World
Please mark your calendar for November 12 at 7 p.m. for our first Equip! session, “Surviving the Digital Shift.” The video will be posted a week in advance, so you’ll have time to view it. We look forward to trying this new format with you and hope that it will scratch the itch for us as we discern how best to "Be the Church in the Digital World."
A Message from the Bishop - Sharing above and beyond
God may ask us to pour out what we have so that he may meet the needs of others and our own needs, as well.