ACNA Releases Provincial Cycle of Prayer
The Anglican Church in North America has just released an updated Provincial Cycle of Prayer, covering mid-May 2021 – mid-May 2022.
The Cycle of Prayer presents a weekly prayer schedule to cover leaders, dioceses, and ministries in the Anglican Church in North America and fellow Anglicans around the world.
Things Anglican Podcast
Podcast by the Anglican Church in North America featuring sermons and lectures from conferences, as well as interviews for listeners hungry for teaching and conversation that might renew the mind and heart, that we might become more obedient and effective servants of the God we love.
God is at work in the Diocese of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Discover how faithful Anglicans around the world are proclaiming Christ faithfully and seeing their churches and dioceses grow. The most recent video in this Gafcon series shares how God is at work in the Diocese of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
An Easter Message from Archbishop Foley Beach
Holy Week reminds us that God loved us so much that he sent his Son into our world to die for our sins. As the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”
2021 Josiah Project Beckons
Launched in 1990, Rock the World’s Josiah Project has inspired more than 80% of its graduates to continue in Christian leadership — for decades.
Support Texas through the Anglican Relief and Development Fund
Anglican Church in North America churches in Texas are reaching out to those left hungry, thirsty, and homeless due to the ice, extreme cold, and the widespread power outages affecting the region.
Prayer Service & Virtual March for Life
Please consider coming to the Falls Church Anglican on January 29 for the annual Prayer and Worship Service at 9:30 a.m., after which the March for Life will be held virtually.
Annual Congregational Reports
Training videos and important updates for completing the 2020 Annual Congregational Reports.
YSummit 2021
“We want the youth in Anglican churches to fully understand the worth of all human life, including their own. We believe that lives are transformed when students understand what their own worth and purpose is...our goal is to equip them to not only believe that, but to live it out.”
Hope Arising: A Book Review
America, a religious nation, has had throughout our history a type of intellectual leader that has been termed the public theologian. Henry Ward Beecher, the Niebuhrs, Billy Graham, and Fr. Richard Neuhaus are among the most prominent examples. Now, Wheaton professor Esau McCauley is using his broad pulpit to call American Christians back to their religious ideals, the lived experiences of the Black church, and a full recognition of the Black church in our history.
Province Forms Working Group on Race, Racism, and Racial Reconciliation
In light of the tensions in our society regarding race relations, in his address to the Provincial Council, Archbishop Beach called for a Working Group on Race, Racism, and Racial Reconciliation. This group is comprised of leaders from across the Anglican Church in North America representing a diverse range of races, ethnicities, ages, orders, and both genders.
John and Karen Howe Welcomed into the Anglican Church in North America
The Rt. Rev. John Howe and the Rev. Deacon Karen Howe have been recently welcomed into the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic and the Anglican Church in North America.
The ACNA’s Pursuit Of Racial Reconciliation
During day one of the ACNA’s 2020 virtual Provincial Council, Abp. Foley Beach’s address focused on casting his expansive vision for the ACNA’s response to racism, racial tensions, and racial reconciliation.
DOMA lay leaders elected to serve the ACNA
The Provincial Council of the Anglican Church in North America this week elected Albert Thompson of Christ the King, Alexandria, to the ACNA Executive Committee.
Raising up the Next Generation
Ask any clergy person and they will tell you about the people in their lives who believed in them, opened doors for them, and walked alongside of them as they mastered the difficult skills of leadership. Experience really is the best teacher.
New Website for the ACNA
Take time to "click" around the new website for the ACNA (Anglican Church of North America).
Livestreams of Services Across the Province
Unable to attend a Sunday service? Access services across the Anglican Church in North America via livestream here.
Archbishop Duncan Explains Spiritual Communion
A video by Archbishop Duncan explaining Spiritual Communion.
Church Resources for COVID-19
On behalf of Archbishop Foley, I am writing to let you know that he and I have asked both Canon David Roseberry and Canon Phil Ashey to collect, create, and curate resources from around the church to help all of our congregations through this time.