Seven Lessons for Exile from "Life-As-We-Knew-It"
In our earthly residence, one way to see the season in which we find ourselves (pandemic-wise, politically, economically, etc.) is through the lens of exile — not geographic exile, but exile from life-as-we-knew-it.
Alpha Offered as Outreach to Community
There are around 150,000 people (!) who live in the Lake Gaston area — that's almost nine times the population of Emporia/Greensville County. The next closest Anglican (ACNA) congregation is in the Raleigh/Durham area. It behooves us to reach out to make new disciples around Lake Gaston and to minister to the many Anglicans who have retired to the lake from Raleigh/Durham, Hampton Roads, and Northern Virginia.
Race Relations in a Majority Black Town
More than Charlottesville, more than Richmond, perhaps more than any other place in Virginia, Emporia would appear on the surface to be a place ripe for violent protests.
Partnership Continues Powerfully in Baltimore, MD
I’ve come under the conviction that the way we are serving the poor now is actually how we needed to be serving the poor all along. My prayer is that as the crisis winds down for most of us, we will not forget that the poor will remain in crisis if we stop serving them.
Tips and Tools for a Better Online Experience
Resurrection makes sure parishioners are prepared with a checklist (printed bulletin, Sunday school book, items for Eucharist); detailed Zoom instructions (links for all types of devices and alternate methods for joining without a computer); and tips for a better Zoom experience: