Tips and Tools for a Better Online Experience
While some parishioners are very experienced with online meetings, learning, and discussions, others are brand new to this…and especially as a method for worship and pray. Resurrection Church in Emporia, VA makes sure everyone can successfully log on and have a positive experience with a variety of tools, tips, and suggestions. Others might find these useful, as well.
Resurrection makes sure parishioners are prepared with a checklist (printed bulletin, Sunday school book, items for Eucharist); detailed Zoom instructions (links for all types of devices and alternate methods for joining without a computer); and tips for a better Zoom experience:
• If you're on the Zoom app, then close all Internet browsers (e.g., Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) on your computer/tablet/smartphone.
• If you're on Zoom via the Google Chrome browser, then close all other browser windows.
• On all your other devices in the house (e.g., computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.): turn off their wifi.
• If you're accessing only the audio via your phone, *6 (star/asterisk 6) can control your mute/unmute.
• If possible, try to find a happy medium for positioning your face
Find more tips and images about online meetings here.