Tips and Tools for a Better Online Experience

While some parishioners are very experienced with online meetings, learning, and discussions, others are brand new to this…and especially as a method for worship and pray. Resurrection Church in Emporia, VA makes sure everyone can successfully log on and have a positive experience with a variety of tools, tips, and suggestions. Others might find these useful, as well.

Resurrection makes sure parishioners are prepared with a checklist (printed bulletin, Sunday school book, items for Eucharist); detailed Zoom instructions (links for all types of devices and alternate methods for joining without a computer); and tips for a better Zoom experience:

•  If you're on the Zoom app, then close all Internet browsers (e.g., Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) on your computer/tablet/smartphone.

•  If you're on Zoom via the Google Chrome browser, then close all other browser windows.

•  On all your other devices in the house (e.g., computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.): turn off their wifi.

•  If you're accessing only the audio via your phone, *6 (star/asterisk 6) can control your mute/unmute.

•  If possible, try to find a happy medium for positioning your face

Find more tips and images about online meetings here.

Find more tips and images about online meetings here.


Coffee Hour Continues


An Invitation to Daily Prayer