Virtual Global Week
As Jesus' followers, we are called to remember the needs of our neighbors around the world, to love and serve them, to use our resources generously, and to pray. Incarnation's upcoming first-ever Global Week is an opportunity to do just that.
The Ministry of Making Masks
This outreach is a three-way win: it’s a win for people needing cloth masks; a win for people at home with time, skills and a heart to serve – it’s a great time to teach your kids (and adults) how to sew!; and for the church, as the world sees that we love them because God does.
A Visible Presence
As individual Christians, churches and as a Diocese, let’s continue to think of creative ways of being a visible presence in our communities.
Open Mic Night Continues at UVA
Eunoia is the name of the ministry. It is a greek word that means “beautiful thinking”. I love seeing and hearing our Eunoia friends perform from their home context! A wonderful change from the stage!
Old School Letter-Writing (via text)
So much care and thought went into those letters to get things just right! My dad and I would have some of the most meaningful communication by letter. I’ve kept and treasured those interchanges. I felt I was getting an entirely different side of him in those expressions. And so, for texting between friends, pushing past the superficial banter, this kind of care can (and does) happen with texting. It’s a profound opportunity.
They Are Not Forgotten
Recently we added a fun twist - sock puppets! This creative endeavor just requires items we have at home (socks, buttons, decorative bags, etc.), and we hope it will bring some joy to the teen moms and their families. May they realize they are not forgotten by us or by their God during this time.
Creative Outreach During a Pandemic
Churches throughout the Diocese are reaching out actively to their communities during COVID-19. A variety of churches report that partnerships with the community, which seemed nearly impossible just a few months ago, are now forming easily as all embrace the common theme of “together, we can beat this.”
Using More than One Streaming Platform
The number of viewers is far exceeding the typical Sunday morning attendance. This is attributed most likely to parishioners inviting friends, families, and neighbors to participated online.
Taking the Initiative to Gather Community Leaders
We are encouraged that we will come through this stronger and closer than we were before COVID-19 hit us. We had the advantage of having worked hard at relationship-building before all of this, but now is always the best time to start these kinds of community relationships.
Fishing During a Pandemic
Fishing with the gospel is a good thing. But, how do you fish during a global pandemic?
Sharing Meals and Hope in Baltimore
The need will get worse. Who will come to rescue? Who will come to lift them up? Who will share what they have for those who have lost everything? We who are comfortable or wealthy must find ways to help those who are poor in this time of great need.