BE Transformed enjoys ResCamp!
For the second year in a row BE Transformed, an inner city ministry in Baltimore, had the opportunity to bring children to Church of the Resurrection's "Res Camp".
ResCamp 2023
Each day, over 400 people including 215 Campers and Jr. Crew Leaders swarmed our church to create a crazy and beautiful summer camp called, Twists and Turns: Following Jesus Changes the Game. Through games, activities, skits, and all sorts of fun, the message of God's faithfulness and love for us was on full display.
Setting Tables of Welcome
Breadcoin supplies coins to under-resourced nonprofits that are in relationship with those in need. They give the coins to hungry or food-insecure folks who then choose which local, participating restaurant to visit, at which they use the coins like a gift certificate.
Bike, Band and Barbecue Bash: Photos!
On Saturday, October 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Church of the Apostles hosted their Bike, Band and Barbecue Bash.
Tales from the Street: Enough Mercy
She stopped, looked at the sign, and in a very low voice, uttered these words: “That’s a hard one.” “Why is it hard?” I asked. I knew the answer. Long ago she had had two abortions under incredibly broken circumstances. She went on to have other children with the man she is still married to.
Flooding Out Into the Community
Shepherd’s Heart Anglican Church in Fairfax, VA has been flooding out into the community in creative ways over the last six weeks. Due to a water leak in our fellowship space in early August, and the subsequent damage, we have had to get creative in how we engage one another and the surrounding community after church on Sundays.
Bikes for the Community
Volunteers at Shepherds Heart in Fairfax, VA repaired 15 bikes and were able to outfit an entire family of Afghan refugees!
7-11 Angels
Just recently, as a group of us laid sod in the front lawn at Christ the King’s new location in Alexandria, VA, we received some unexpected visitors: the manager from the local 7-Eleven and one of his employees.
Better Not Bitter
The Rev. Robbie Pruitt’s (Holy Spirit Church in Leesburg, VA) mountain bike was stolen last fall during quarantine (when bikes were especially hard to purchase). Robbie’s response was to forgive and show empathy.
Immanuel Hosts Family-Friendly Hip Hop Concert
The free outdoor concert will feature Ron “The New One” Hawkins. Immanuel is providing a free Chick-fil-A dinner before the concert.
BE Transformed
Michelle Chase, a leader of Love Baltimore (previously Apostles in the City), wants to see Baltimore transformed by the love of Christ. Michelle had a vision of a happy home where kids in Belair-Edison, Baltimore could find a safe place after school and throughout the summer months.
Chaplaincy Launched for Local Law Enforcement
The Rev. Harry Zeiders, Rector at Resurrection in Emporia, VA, participated in the Emporia/Greensville Chaplain Support Team kickoff event on May 20. One of the goal’s of the team is to support the local law enforcement during times of crises.
Day of Outreach: Born out of the Challenges of COVID
Every Wednesday, New Creation partners with the people of the Presbyterian Church of Hagerstown, serving at their weekly Soup Kitchen.
Alpha Offered as Outreach to Community
There are around 150,000 people (!) who live in the Lake Gaston area — that's almost nine times the population of Emporia/Greensville County. The next closest Anglican (ACNA) congregation is in the Raleigh/Durham area. It behooves us to reach out to make new disciples around Lake Gaston and to minister to the many Anglicans who have retired to the lake from Raleigh/Durham, Hampton Roads, and Northern Virginia.
Weekend Meals-on-the-Go
While school is virtual, Immanuel Anglican Church is continuing food distribution each week at Coles Elementary. Thanks to generous donations over 1,500 bags of weekend meals have been distributed since March.
Sharing Meals and Hope in Baltimore
The need will get worse. Who will come to rescue? Who will come to lift them up? Who will share what they have for those who have lost everything? We who are comfortable or wealthy must find ways to help those who are poor in this time of great need.