7-11 Angels

by David Glade

Just recently, as a group of us laid sod in the front lawn at Christ the King’s new location in Alexandria, VA, we received some unexpected visitors: the manager from the local 7-Eleven and one of his employees, Saheed.

The manager (pictured) introduced himself, expressed his appreciation of our desire to improve the property, asked his employee Saheed to lend a hand to us, and finally, told us to stop by and enjoy treat ‘on the house’. What a generous gesture! I was touched. The youth were grateful for the extra-large Slurpees.

This surprising act of kindness is in stark contrast to recent acts of all-too-common cruelty: A racially motivated mass shooting in Buffalo. Ten lives. Grandmothers. Grandfathers. Sons. Daughters. Another shooting at a church in California. One life lost. Many wounded.

How do we reconcile such kindness and such cruelty? Are the perpetrators of violence fundamentally different from those who give free Slurpees to hard working kids? No, I don’t think so. The bible teaches that all are created in God’s image, and all are capable of great kindness. But, the bible teaches that all are fallen and deeply flawed, and all are capable of great cruelty.

I trust we all desire to be part of the solution, not the problem; on the side of kindness, not cruelty. My hunch: One of the first steps towards real kindness is acknowledgement our own capacity for real cruelty.



The Rev. David Glade is the Rector at Christ the King Anglican Church in Alexandria, VA.


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