Introducing Our Canon to the Ordinary: The Rev. Greg Hampton
On Sept. 12, at Clergy Day, Bishop Chris was pleased to announce the selection of The Rev. Greg Hampton as the Canon to the Ordinary
Help Spread the Word: An Information Meeting in Chambersburg, PA
Help us spread the news about our upcoming information meeting!
A Logo Story: Church of the Redeemer (Camden, NC)
Our logo was created amid the pandemic, which speaks to the hope we share in Christ during difficult times, and our resolve to fulfill the call God has placed on our church.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (September 2023A)
Is evangelism a thing of the past?
That was the title of an article I read some time ago in Relevant Magazine. The article stated that according to a Barna study, 83 percent of American churchgoers aren’t clear about the Great Commission. Of those, roughly half indicated they had no idea what it is, while the others said they’d heard of the Great Commission but weren't sure of its exact meaning. The article also said that this lack of knowledge about the Great Commission increases among younger generations.
A Logo Story: Truro Anglican Church
The Truro Logo: Truro seeks to be Jesus-centered, evangelistic in bringing others to Christ, graciously engaging others in love and truth, and centered on being a hospitable community where the love of God is evident to all." -Truro Parish Profile
A Letter from Bishop Chris (August 2023B)
Will you join me in seeking God’s purpose for your life? Will you look for ways to serve Him in the lives of others? And will you learn to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those around you? Start by praying. Ask God to give you his conviction. Seek what the Scripture says. And then pay attention to the opportunities before you and join God as His hands and feet and mouth in this world.
A Logo Story: Christ the Redeemer (PA)
Our church plant Christ the Redeemer (Dillsburg, PA) has drawn inspiration from the "Celtic" cross. (We love the book "Celtic Way of Evangelism.")
A Letter from Bishop Chris (August 2023A)
Jesus (and later Paul) exploded all the stereotypes we tend to have about God. God is not an angry tyrant. God is not a cosmic cop. God is not a merciless accountant. He is not a universal killjoy. He is not an impersonal force. God is a personal God. He wants to have a relationship with us, and he created you with the ability to have a relationship with him.
Registration Now Open for Mere Anglicanism 2024
Registration is now open for the Mere Anglicanism Conference held in Charleston, South Carolina, January 18-20, 2024.
The Legacy of Tim Keller
Two Canons for Church Planting, including our own Tuck Bartholomew, had a conversation around Tim Keller's life and legacy on Always Forward’s podcast. Timothy J. Keller was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, co-founder of Redeemer City to City, and the author of several books.
A New Cross for Incarnation Anglican
Incarnation Anglican, Williamsburg, VA is grateful to receive a new, handmade cross from parishioners of the church.
Christ the King Helps Congolese Refugee Put Down Roots
It took six years, but after much help from an Anglican bishop in Burundi, the American ambassador in Burundi and “Team Michel” – the group of Christ the King parishioners that consisted of French speakers, doctors, lawyers and friends – the Katulas were all together again in Alexandria.
A Logo Story: Corpus Christi Anglican
The chalice and paten feature prominently in our logo because the Sacraments are a primary means of grace and the hope of glory.
A Reflection on the Prayers of the People
I probably get more questions about Prayers of the People than any other part of the liturgy. So I thought I'd take this week's letter to answer a few FAQs about this important part of the service.
The Offertory: Our Vocation Restored
In Christ, we are restored to our original vocation as a kingdom of priests: Everything held up to God and celebrated as a gift of God's love and communication of God's life to humanity—"a priestly existence, an existence of grateful offering to God" (Fr. Leander again!).
A Logo Story: Anglican Church of the Valley
The cross and typestyle for the logo of Anglican Church of the Valley were created for us about 2009 by an artist member of the church.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (June 2023B)
It’s clear to me that the COB is not a perfect institution. How could it be? It’s populated by people including me. But in my observation, it is a prayerful, godly, wise, biblically-committed, and canonically-oriented group. It is both apostolic and catholic in its orientation and I look forward to working within the College in the years to come.
Anglican Attendance Strongly Rebounds
Among dioceses reporting the largest attendance increases are the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina up 2,722 (48 percent), the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic up 1,756 (53 percent) and the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO) up 2,540 (46 percent)