Photos from Life Summit 2023
Last weekend's Life SUMMIT empowered attendees to be effective ministers of the Gospel of Life to those that are lost and lonely in our communities. Enjoy photos of the various events and watch a video from the prayer service.
Life Summit 2023
Life SUMMIT 2023 coincides with the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. You can attend in-person or virtually for all of the events.
Save the Date: Summit for Life 2023
Anglicans For Life (AFL) invites you to attend our annual Life SUMMIT conference which coincides with the annual March for Life. The events kick-off Thursday evening, January 19, 2023, and run through Saturday, January 21, 2023.
The Latest Edition of "The Apostle Online"
In this issue of the Apostle, we dig into the ministry of relationship, sharing the stories of a Rector who was adopted and reunited with his birth mother later in life, a campus minister leading a thriving ministry with college students, a unique cross-cultural experience in Uganda, and Knoxville’s “scruffy” kind of hospitality.
Tales from the Street: Enough Mercy
She stopped, looked at the sign, and in a very low voice, uttered these words: “That’s a hard one.” “Why is it hard?” I asked. I knew the answer. Long ago she had had two abortions under incredibly broken circumstances. She went on to have other children with the man she is still married to.
Anglicans for Life Prayer Calendar
You are encouraged to join the many who pray for the Anglicans for Life ministry. Multiple times a year, Deacon Georgette Forney sends out a letter with prayer needs along with a prayer calendar.
Hope & Healing after Abortion
The impact of abortion affects many lives by the often hidden and subtle influences of guilt, shame, anger, or difficulty in trusting others. Join us for a 12-week Bible study for men, women and friends/family members who want healing and freedom from the impact of abortion.
Walking for Life in Richmond
It is essential for us to remember that the enemy's work is death and destruction and we need to stand with Jesus against the enemy's plan to kill and destroy life. Jesus said that he came so that everyone would have life and have it abundantly.
Hope & Healing after Abortion
Are you depressed, angry, or withdrawn due to an abortion—your own or someone’s close to you? Do you have a friend who is suffering in this way?
A Wonderful Pro-Life Lesson for Elementary Sunday School Classes
The Falls Church Anglican presented a wonderful pro-life lesson to elementary Sunday School classes on January 30, in partnership with TFCA’s Anglicans for Life chapter.
Anglican Bishop: Don’t Get Comfortable as Court Revisits Roe
“I’m comfortable with how close we are getting, if God so wills, to redirect and correct what was done in Roe v Wade,” shared Bishop Clark Lowenfield of the Houston, Texas-based Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast. “I learned a long time ago that I need to be wary when I become comfortable.”
A Message from the Bishop - February 2022A
"As followers of Jesus, we are ministers of love and compassion and healing for those who are in great pain, physically, emotionally, spiritually. But suicide is not the answer.
"I say to all of us, young people, seniors, those facing great hardship or great pain: Do not succumb to the hopelessness of the culture of death. You are precious to the Lord and to the Body of Christ."
Anglican Prayer & Worship Service
The March for Life prayer and worship service will be held on Friday, January 21 at 9:30 a.m. at the The Falls Church Anglican. Registration is not required for in-person or virtual participation.
A Message from the Bishop - January 2022A
Let’s join in honoring life as we learn and grow and pray together. Pray for those facing crisis pregnancies and end of life decisions. Pray for the unborn, the weak, the aged. Pray for our witness and for our ministries in support of those who are most vulnerable.
Youth SUMMIT and Life SUMMIT
Anglicans For Life invites you to attend our annual Youth SUMMIT and Life SUMMIT events from January 20-22, 2022.
Hope & Healing Bible Study for Healing from the Impact of Abortion
The impact of abortion affects so many lives through the often-hidden influences of guilt, shame, anger, or difficulty trusting others. Please come to a 12-week healing Bible study for men, women and family members who are seeking healing and freedom from the impacts of abortion.
Summit for Life 2022
Anglicans For Life, in partnership with the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, invite you to attend SUMMIT 2022, a life-affirming conference. SUMMIT 2022 will provide you the opportunity to protect life. Enjoy fruitful conversation, presentations from pro-life leaders, keynote presentations, workshops, networking opportunities, and join hundreds of thousands of people at the March for Life in Washington, D.C.. Live out your calling, and advocate For Life.
Become a SWAT Intercessor
Currently, AFL has 866 members on our Prayer Team. We want to increase that number by 100% and develop a special SWAT (Spiritual Warfare AFL Team) to intercede in special or critical circumstances. Our upcoming Life SUMMIT 2022: Mobilizing the Church for Life, is a great example of a special circumstance in need of focused prayer. Your prayers will ensure our Life SUMMIT preparations are impactful and fruitful for God’s Kingdom.
Marching & Praying for Life
On Friday September 17, Bishop John and Meg Guernsey, with representatives from the Anglicans for Life (AFL) chapters of diocese churches in Richmond, VA participated in the Virginia March for Life annual rally.
Healing from the Impact of Abortion
The impact of abortion affects so many lives through the often-hidden influences of guilt, shame, anger, or difficulty trusting others. The Bible offers hopes and healing.