Trinity Burke: Public Worship Starting Soon
f you have been following the journey of Trinity Burke (or any of the other DOMA church plants), you may know that it takes the support of the saints to plant a church: time, finances, prayer, and partnership. This Diocese has an incredible amount of supporters in every possible way. Thank you for your faithfulness.
October Frederick Anglican Fellowship
On Sunday, October 1, we marked the anniversary of our very first monthly service in downtown Frederick. Father Charles Glantzberg kindly came to celebrate the Holy Eucharist with us, followed by a delicious brunch at a member’s home nearby. It’s a blessed milestone, even though we look forward to the day when we will have a priest/planter to lead us and the opportunity to grow into a more fully-formed church.
Help Spread the Word: An Information Meeting in Chambersburg, PA
Help us spread the news about our upcoming information meeting!
Anglican Church Planting Success
The Falls Church Anglican resumes its Timothy program this autumn, welcoming the Rev. Michael Weeks to serve as Associate Pastor for Discipleship.
The Legacy of Tim Keller
Two Canons for Church Planting, including our own Tuck Bartholomew, had a conversation around Tim Keller's life and legacy on Always Forward’s podcast. Timothy J. Keller was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, co-founder of Redeemer City to City, and the author of several books.
A Logo Story: Corpus Christi Anglican
The chalice and paten feature prominently in our logo because the Sacraments are a primary means of grace and the hope of glory.
Trinity Burke Church Plant: A logo, a website, a shower!
Starting a new church is a bit like having a baby. There’s all sorts of stuff that is needed to gather a group of people for public worship, and it all costs money that a new baby church doesn’t have. So we’ve pulled together a “registry” so that friends and family and the church can give towards specific, tangible items needed to help us move into this next season.
May Update from Frederick Anglican Fellowship
It’s been just a year since a few lay leaders with a vision for an Anglican church in Frederick, Maryland, attended the Always Forward Church Planting Intensive training in Baltimore. Since then, Frederick Anglican Fellowship has become a small but vibrant community of folks committed to an Anglican church in Frederick.
Art Transformed for Easter
During Lent, All Souls in Richmond, VA had art installed over the altar. You can read about it here. For Easter, the artwork was transformed.
April Frederick Anglican Fellowship Update
We had a wonderful Palm Sunday here in Frederick, led by visiting priest Father Charles Glantzberg. Thirty people attended, eight of them children!
March Frederick Anglican Fellowship Update
Frederick Anglican Fellowship continue to be encouraged about how the Lord is working at our church plant in Frederick, Maryland. A steady group of folks has a growing investment in this church plant through their time, involvement, fellowship, and financial support.
Truro Called to Plant a Church in Burke, VA
Truro affirms this call to plant a new church in two ways: This is a call for them. And this is a call for Truro. You are invited to pray as well.
February Frederick Anglican Fellowship
We are humbled and amazed about what God has done since last Easter, as we continue to work on the church plant in Frederick, Maryland, currently called Frederick Anglican Fellowship.
Planting a Church in Philadelphia
For us here in Philadelphia, that shift, that little opening, is happening. A splash of water in our canteen that we and others have asked for – it has come. We have our first few!
All Souls Anglican: An Update
This week, All Souls Anglican Church in Richmond, VA will gather together for its tenth week as a worshiping community on the Southside of Richmond. These past ten weeks have been fast, and full, and good.
Update from Frederick Anglican Fellowship
Frederick Anglican Fellowship continues to move forward. Our little, lay-led community is growing!
New Creation Celebrates 10 Years of Faithfulness
On November 13, 2022, New Creation Church, Hagerstown, MD celebrated their 10th year anniversary! Enjoy photos and a reflection about the day.
All Souls Church Launch
We thank God for the church launch of All Souls, Richmond on Sunday, November 27, 2022, first week of Advent.
Frederick Anglican Fellowship: Update
Exciting news! Frederick Anglican Fellowship has begun lay-led Morning Prayer services on the first Sunday of each month in Frederick, Maryland. Our first service was on Sunday, October 2, led by David Breisch. Even though it was pouring rain, we had a good turnout, including people we knew and guests they brought. It was a multi-generational group, and the fellowship was warm.