April Frederick Anglican Fellowship Update


We had a wonderful Palm Sunday here in Frederick, led by visiting priest Father Charles Glantzberg. Thirty people attended, eight of them children! We participated in the full Palm Sunday liturgy, with various members of the congregation taking part in the reading of Saint Matthew’s Passion narrative. And, significantly, Father Charles led us in our very first celebration of the Holy Eucharist as a church community.

We continue to meet for worship on the first Sunday of every month, often for lay-led Morning Prayer. But we have other visiting priests scheduled to lead us in the Holy Eucharist in June and August.

As we grow each month, we are in need of a larger meeting place. We are exploring a number of options but have yet to discover a place that seems right for us. We’re seeking a place in Frederick to accommodate up to 50 people for Sunday worship and hospitality each month, and preferably also space for some smaller, weeknight fellowship events. Please contact Karen Strong if you have suggestions.

Please PRAY with us:

  • in thanksgiving for our continued growth, and for the wonderful community of people in the Frederick Anglican Fellowship

  • to find a good place in Frederick to meet as we grow and to bless the children in our midst

  • for the right clergy to lead this church plant in accord with God’s timing

  • that we may continue to be faithful disciples who shine with the light of Christ in Frederick


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