ACNA Women’s Retreat
by Sallie Rathbone
Come to Me
Come as You Are
Come and See
An incredible theme for a retreat for clergy women…..Come.
September 30 through October 3 was a time of rest and of coming to the Lord. The Women’s Leadership Network sponsored the ACNA Provincial Clergy Women’s Retreat in Racine, WI. The women clergy in attendance reflected on the heartfelt instruction of Lindy Black. Lindy and her husband Vic are leaders in the Navigators, an international, interdenominational Christian ministry.
Throughout the retreat, and during the five instructional sessions, we were reminded that the Lord commands us to rest, to have a Sabbath. In our various ministries, most admitted that an entire day of Sabbath rest was a goal that needed to be achieved.
The topics for each session drew us to come closer to the Lord:
Rivers of Living Water
This image was used to help us during times of prayer and reflection.
Come to the Lord and find rest
Come to the Lord and be sent
Come and be filled; Come taste and see
Come away with me.
Searching scriptures, we found many of God’s Word speaking to us to come to the Lord.
It is so easy for us to search for God’s expectations as we yearn to come to Him. God doesn’t have an expectation: He only asks us to come. How does one do this? We wait, sit with Jesus; we worship; we wrestle untangling what is inside of our hearts and minds, giving these to Jesus; and we watch for His movement, where He is working, that is where He is sending us.
Situated on Lake Michigan the reflection on ‘Rivers of Living Water’ gave us time to be still at this awesome lake knowing that God’s living water flows freely and abundantly. Coming from God’s Throne this water washes sin away as it nourishes body, mind, and soul completely.
The scriptures, worship, reflections, and fellowship led us all closer to each other, but more importantly closer to the Lord. We returned to our various ministries refreshed and restored.
The Rev. Sallie Rathbone is the Pastoral Assistant at Immanuel Anglican Church in Manassas, VA.