Global Bible Translators
On Feb. 4, for Global Mission Sunday, Church of the Apostles, Mr. Bill Bremmer presented the current state of Bible translation around the world. While English-speakers have more than 100 English translations of the Bible available, thousands of other language groups have none.
During the presentation, Bill discussed the challenges of translating and cultural nuances that can cause unwanted theological implications. He explains the history of Bible translation methods, emphasizing considerations for oral and sign languages, and the importance of cultural sensitivity in presentation. Drawing from personal experiences with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Bill shared anecdotes that underscore the significance of this ministry.
Bill provides specific needs/locations for prayer. Pray that all nations will have scripture in a language and format that they can access and clearly understand.
It is an interesting and engaging presentation that will encourage and inspire you!
You can watch the entire presentation here.