Creating with Christ
by Abigail Whitehouse
Not often do you get a chance to dance around with a roomful of elementary schoolers (at 30 weeks pregnant!) or convert a neighborhood clubhouse into a makeshift art studio, but that’s exactly what happened the first week of July at Incarnation Church’s (Williamsburg, VA) Creating with Christ: a Bible & Arts Camp for grades K-5.
Over the course of the week, the children explored their God-given creativity and the truths of Ephesians 2:10 through a range of artistic mediums. They fashioned figurines out of clay as we talked about being God’s workmanship – an intricate work of art that he created with intention and care, like a potter at the wheel. As we tie-dyed t-shirts, the children discovered that no two were alike, a reminder that God made each of us uniquely and that he delights in our diversity. We made sun-prints and watercolors, wrote poems and built wooden crosses—all while learning about God’s design for our lives and his redemptive plan. We even spent a morning on creative movement as we talked about “walking” in the good works God has prepared for us; and at the beginning and end of each day, we belted out the lyrics of “Made for this!” (a wonderful worship song about our God-given purpose).
But what ultimately moved me to tears were the hearts of these children as they listened, asked questions and memorized God’s word. As we discussed Ephesians 2:10 each day, the children put voice to some of the most important truths – that we are loved and cherished by a God who designed us, that he has a good plan for our lives, and that we are built for a purpose much greater than ourselves. By the end of the week, even the littlest among them had memorized our theme verse and could recite it, with motions, by heart (motivated, of course, by the giant, and much-publicized, prize basket!). On the following Sunday, as they stood in front of the congregation to share this verse, I couldn’t help but tear-up as I watched them confidently declare God’s word.
As I reflect on this past summer, I cannot thank the Lord enough for this sweet week of fellowship and for the opportunity to teach, lead and create alongside this beautiful bunch of children!
Abigail Whitehouse is the Pastor for Children & Families at Incarnation Church, Williamsburg, VA.