National Poetry Month - Poems from Fr. Robbie

National Poetry Month, a celebration of poetry which takes place each April, was introduced in 1996 and is organized by the Academy of American Poets as a way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry in the United States. In addition to the beautiful poetry found in the Bible, the Diocese is honored to share the poetry of the Rev. Robbie Pruitt. He is the Rector at Shepherd’s Heart Anglican Church, leads a bike ministry, and is a husband and dad. Robbie also finds time to write daily devotionals (found here) and poetry. Read one of his poems below.

Learn more about Robbie here and read more poems here.

Robbie has teamed up with Hugh Talman (you have enjoyed his photography in The Messenger and on our website) to create a beautiful devotional titled “Captions – Pictures and Words” available for a donation to the Forget-Me-Not Ministry. Get your copy here.

God of the Garden

The God of the garden
cultivated Eden’s ground
and man from dust
—freedom bound.

The God of the garden
and rebellious man
twisted in thorn and thistle
at the enemy’s hand.

The God of the garden
lay cool in the borrowed tomb
to set the captives free from death
through resurrection womb.

The God of the garden
cultivating re-creation
new birth and resurrection
new life for every nation.

©️April 3, 2023, Robbie Pruitt

Photo of The Garden Tomb, from,


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A Letter from Bishop Chris (April 2023B)