DOMA Representation during Breakout Sessions

In addition to acting as delegates, participating, and serving during the Provincial Assembly, many of the DOMA attendees led and participated in breakout sessions. Below is a list of those sessions and the topics covered. We are amazed and grateful for the servant hearts and abounding gifts found throughout our Diocese. As recordings of the sessions become available, we will make sure they are shared on the Diocesan website and through the newsletter. Make sure to also subscribe to the ACNA newsletter, as well, for updates from the Provincial Assembly.

Access Leadership Network: Building Communities of Belonging to Welcome Different Voices and Abilities: Learn and discuss strategies, practices, and resources some churches are using to prepare for and minister more effectively with members impacted by disability. (Panel presentation with Heidi Reichert, AcLN Leadership Team, Communications Coordinator of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic & All Saints’ Church)

Engaging the Great Commission Anglicanly: Discover how God is using Anglican distinctives of sacrament, liturgy, and the Great Tradition to expand the frontiers of the Gospel where there are not yet viable, visible, or self-sustaining churches. Come discover how your church can play a part, right outside your doorsteps or across the globe. (Led by Rev. Dr. Chris Royer, Executive Director, Anglican Frontier Missions)

Establishing Strong Foundations for New Churches…Even Without a Planter: In this session, we will explore how lay leaders can begin to lay a solid foundation for an Anglican Church plant. What does it look like to work with your diocesan Canon for Church Planting? What can you learn from attending a Church Plant Training Intensive and should you attend so early? How does planting a church work if you don’t have a planter in place? We will talk together about what a pathway for seeing a new church in your area might look like. This session is especially good for laity wanting to see an Anglican church in their area. (Panel presentation with The Rev. Cn. Dr. Tuck Bartholomew, Canon for Church Planting in Anglican Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic)

Anglican Churches That Make a Difference on Seemingly Intractable Issues: What can the church do? Anglicanism is inherently missional. See how M25i is using Anglican practices to help Anglican churches activate lay leaders and congregation members to make a difference in their community. Your church has a heart for helping others, but it’s hard to know how to make an impact. 5 practical steps your church can take to start making a real, lasting impact in your community. Shaping and expanding our imaginations leads to real change. (Facilitator: The Rev. David Hanke, Rector at Restoration Anglican Church, Panel with the Rev. Amy Rowe, Incarnation Anglican)

The Church is Definitionally Missional: Bishops Speak to Missional DNA in our Dioceses. Matthew 25 Initiative lightens the load. We are a people of the “AND.” How M25i can help dioceses and parishes? How do we avoid a non-bifurcated church where the gospel is lived? In both word AND deed? In proclamation AND demonstration? Loving God AND our neighbor? With good news AND good works? (Panel Discussion with Bishop Chris Warner)

Mission in an Anxious Age: The missiologist Andrew Walls writes, “Mission always takes place on terms set by another.” But what does this look like in the increasingly post-christian west? A sentence from exhortation to deacons gives us a clue, “…You are to interpret to the church the needs, concerns and hopes of the world.” It is easier to join “everyone” in the culture war than bring the wounds and the dreams of the world to the church. Join me as we discuss and re-imagine mission through the lens of the needs, concerns and hopes of the world - terms set by another. (The Rev. Cn. Dr. Tuck Bartholomew, Canon for Church Planting in Anglican Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic)

ACNA Chancellor's Meeting: Diocesan and Parish Chancellors as well as Anglican lawyers are invited to hear from the outgoing Chancellors of the ACNA. Helpful tips and insight will be shared and attendees will have the opportunity to build relationships with one another. Canons to the Ordinary and other diocesan/parish officers who find themselves serving alongside chancellors/lawyers are also welcome. (Chancellor Scott Ward)


A Letter from Bishop Chris (July 2024A)


Redeemer Hosts Community Movie Night