Devotional Book for Lent

Church of the Good Shepherd invites you to enjoy a Lent Devotional resource filled with entirely original material written by members of the church. You can also access a digital copy here.

You are also invited to read Fr. Mike Kunzinger's letter about Lent on the website blog, "On the Observance of Lent."

Cover art by Marcia Perez

“Winter Pilgrimage”, ink, 2024

The scene depicts ancient steps leading further on and up into the season of Lent, those forty days of walking with Christ in the wilderness. It’s a well-worn path that’s been tread by many faithful Christians before us. On the bottom step hangs a scallop shell, a symbol used by pilgrims on El Camino de Santiago, a historic pilgrimage that stretches through France and Spain and ends in the city of Santiago on the western edge of Spain. The shell is also a familiar symbol of baptism and rebirth in the historic church, and even as Lent calls us to themes of death and repentance, so also it invites us to new life and awakening to Christ’s work in us.


Global Anglican Prayer Gathering


A Letter from Bishop Chris (February 2024B)