Policy for Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation
This PDF includes a Preface from the ACNA, explanation of terms, instructions for liturgy, and an appendix with the questions and answers concerning Baptism and Confirmation from To Be a Christian, An Anglican Catechism of the Anglican Church in North America. (Updated, Dec. 2023)
Letter to confirmands from Bishop Chris:
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, it's important that you are able to give a "testimony" about the hope you have in Jesus. I believe it is a good practice for all Christians, and especially for confirmands, to be able to concisely share how we came to Christ and why it matters to us.
Read more via the button and download the “sharing your story” document.
“Anglicanism requires a public and personal profession of the Faith from every adult believer in Jesus Christ. Confirmation by a bishop is its liturgical expression. Confirmation is evident in Scripture: the Apostles prayed for, and laid their hands on those who had already been baptized (Acts 8:14-17; 19:6).”